The Argument

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In the past couple of days Tokumei finally seemed to relax, he began opening himself up with the other club memebers, including me. Sometimes we'd sit beside the closet entrance whenever Natsuki wasn't there reading her Manga series, and talk about video games and Anime.

"So what's Sayori as a girlfriend like?" I ask.

He looked puzzeled.

"Huh?--Oh she's not my girlfriend."

I raised my eyebrows, confused.

"Really? I mean, you two seem awfully close to be just friends."

Tokumei looked away, chuckling and shaking his head.

"Okay everyone!" we heard Monika say. It was now time for poem sharing.

The poem I wrote was Called "Gunshot"-- a poem taking the pov of an unreliable narrator during a gunfight. I first went to Sayori who gave me her poem: Dear Sunshine. The poem was a rather sweet one, making me feel a sort of warmness inside. I compliment her poem, she smiled back with her usual cute smile. She read my poem in return, she seemed slightly disturbed by it.

"Ehehe, cool YN..."

I then went over to Natsuki to check out her poem: Eagle's can fly. The Poem was short and simple similarly to Natsuki's other poems. Not that I'm complaining. I complimented hers too and she beamed back at me in a smile that was almost as cute as Sayori's. I gave her my poem, she seemed more disturbed by the poem than Sayori was. 

"Jesus christ, what the hell was that?"

Monika was after her. Greeting me with her usual warmness. Her poem was named "Hole in a Wall", unlike the previous poems from the girls. Her's was actually thought out and complex. She read my poem in return, suprisingly she wasn't disturbed by it.

"Intersting poem YN, intersting to see what you're going to cook up next time!"

Next up was Tokumei. his Poem was...intersting to say the least. The poem didn't have any valid name and was a mish-mash of words. There was an odd contrast in the words, some where more happy and cheerful such as "Calm", "Adventure", "Cheerful",  "Happieness", and the rest were rather dark and bleak like "Alone", "Broken", "Hurt", "Greif".  I can pretty much tell he wasn't trying in this club, which I didn't mind. I give him my poem. He seemed to enjoy it the most compared to  all of the girls.

"Uh, pretty cool poem."

I headed to Yuri finally. I already shared my poem before joining the club so there was no point of sharing my poem with her. I recived her poem. "Ghost under the light." The poem was thoroughly descriptive and intresting. Just like every other poem Yuri wrote.

"Excellent Poem Yuri,"

Yuri smied back,

"Thank you YN."

She turned around and headed to Natsuki.

We'd just started dated a few days back. Our first date was a simple coffee shop, Yuri had Tea(obviously) while I ordered a Sandwich platter for both us and a Boba Tea  for me. We talked about books we're reading, Yuri talked about one named American Psycho. I saw the movie, the one with Christian Bale and Jared Leto. Yuri had never seen the movie before, so we agreed to set up a movie date at my house next week...

"Maybe you're just jealous that Tokumei appreciates my poem more than he appreciated yours!" I heard Yuri yell behind me. I quickly turned to see Yuri and Natsuski having an argument in front of the Tokumei, eyes widened in fear.

"Huh! and how do you know he didn't appreciate my advice more?" Natsuki barked back. "Are you that full of yourself!"

Yuri, taken aback, responded eyes beginning to furrow.

The One for Me (Doki Doki Literature Club) Yuri X Male OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now