The Club

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I sat at lunch with my thermos of soup. I was sitting by myself, of course, everyone was sitting with each other, but not me...

I was about to slurp the soup on my spoon when I see 2 people approach an empty table. The first person looked like a normal teenage boy, while the second person was a girl the same size. She had coral pink hair and a red bow on her head, she was quite bouncy and enthusiastic, giggling at almost every second while the teenage boy, gloomy for some reason, ushered her to stop. 

I, being easily prone to jealousy, groaned and looked back at my soup. It was then I realized that I couldn't keep on going on like this, I had to make friends and socialize and stuff. I remembered my dad saying that I should join school clubs. I closed my thermos of half eaten soup and held it as I walked down the corridor for the board where they had the sign up sheets for the clubs. They had sports clubs, drama clubs, family clubs, but the one that caught my attention was the literature club.

I was writing a book myself and have been personally fond with reading so I joined the club in hopes that it will increase my skill and make friends in the process.

I headed back to my seat and continued eating before I was interrupted.

"Um Excuse me," a gentle, feminine voice said.

I lowered my spoon and looked at the source of the sound.

There she was, the same girl her eyes looking at me pleadingly with a small cute smile.

"May I please sit here?...If you don't mind of course."

I looked at her before looking down again gathering my thoughts. I looked up at her again with a smile.

"Sure, I don't mind at all!"

She smiled before sitting down next to me opening her lunch box. I opened my bag and took out a book to read until the bell rang. I was too afraid to talk to her, I didn't want her to see that I'm some creep. It was a book that was my favorite book of all time: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. I put my thermos away and began silently reading a chapter I randomly chose. I continued reading before I was cut off by the girl.

"Umm, I hope you don't mind me saying, but, what is the book that you're reading?"

I looked at her before looking back down at my book, then looking at her again; she was cutely smiling at me.

I took a deep breath.

"It's my favorite book of all time, it's called Jurassic Park it's written by a very successful man who went to Harvard. The book is about a zoological theme park that is consisted of genetically recreated dinosaurs, after an..."

she began giggling.

I looked at her.

"So you like reading?" she said.

I bought up the confidence to smile at her.


"What do you like to read?"

"Action, Thriller, horror, Sci-fi, any book that gets my adrenaline pumping but still consists of good, believable protagonists."

She looked off to the side and blushed.

"I like reading books that build deep and complex fantasy world, the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me."

I nodded. As she looked off, she looked back at me again with an enthusiastic look.

"Um, I'm in this club..."

"Oh, I already joined a club," I said.

She looked down sadly.

The One for Me (Doki Doki Literature Club) Yuri X Male OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now