royal affairs

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Summary: It's Steve's job as a personal bodyguard to ensure Diana is always safe during the ongoing war. If he happens to be staying the nights in her room as well, then really he's just doing his job, right?

This is pretty long, so enjoy!

Steve found Diana tucked away in the furthest corner of the library, legs tucked up in spite of her gown and head in a book. It wasn't at all surprising. Maybe a few years ago he would have been annoyed with her for somehow sneaking out from under his nose, but not anymore. He was never annoyed with her anymore.

"It's my understanding," he started, watching as her fingers twitched around the book in surprise. "That when your life is potentially in danger, you shouldn't leave your assigned guard."

Setting her book down, Diana looked up at him with a playfully innocent look. "Maybe my guard is the one trying to kill me. It would be safer to leave him then, no?"

Steve shook his head and crossed the remaining space to sit on the arm of her chair. Diana didn't bother waiting until he was comfortably situated before leaning her head back and against his stomach. If her hair hadn't been done up intricately, Steve wouldn't have resisted the urge to run his fingers through it. As it was though, there were too many pins and Steve had no desire to return her to the ball with her hair thoroughly mussed.

"Your mother will worry," he told her softly, reaching down for her hand. She laced their fingers together without prompting and Steve smiled.

"She always worries."

"It's just a few more hours, angel." Diana squeezed his hand and Steve bent to press a kiss to her head. "Just two more hours and then you can make your excuses."

Diana didn't argue with him, but he supposed she knew that she would have to return no matter what. Even though it had already been four hours of dancing and chatting and trying not to catch Steve's eye across the room, she'd have to go back until they were very near done with the night. She wasn't sure she wanted to.

"If I am partnered with Ares again, promise you'll come?" she asked. A small frown appeared on her face and she muttered, "He talks too much of the war."

Steve chuckled under his breath. "Of course."

He slid off the arm of the chair and pulled Diana to her feet. Taking the book from her, he returned it to a shelf ("That's not where it goes, Captain Trevor.") and walked her all the way back to the ballroom.

They managed to slip in unnoticed by all except for Hippolyta who gave Diana a disapproving frown. Shortly after, Diana was whisked away by one courtier or another while Steve was left to return to his post, keeping an eye on Diana while also watching for any potential threats.

For what it was worth, Steve enjoyed the nights when Olympus held balls. Not for any reason he could admit out loud, but solely because it meant he could stare at Diana in a new dress and not get a raised brow or two. He could shamelessly admire her as she spun around the dance floor and after, when she finally got approval from her mother to leave, he could whisk her away and know that no one would bother him or need her until morning.

His favourite part of the night, however, would be when Hippolyta called him to her side and told him to return Diana safely to her chambers. Hippolyta would pretend that she didn't know Steve would end up staying the night and if he was particularly lucky, she would give him a small nod instead of a slight frown.


Steve pulled out of his thoughts to see General Ludendorff standing at his side.

"General." Steve bowed his head politely then returned his gaze to Diana. She was still dancing merrily with Hecate, so he turned back to Ludendorff. "What can I do for you?"

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