goddesses and creeps

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a partner one-shot to the last chapter "cookies and potential goddesses".

Warning: includes unwanted touching/grinding

Three months after Etta and the boys meet Diana, Steve decides to introduce her to the finer details of American college life: parties. It's a bit shameful, in his opinion, that she's lived in the States for three months now and has never attended a college party, but they're not lacking opportunities. In fact, one of Steve's classmates had just announced on Instagram that he'd be hosting a Christmas Eve party for anyone staying on campus that year. Steve immediately decides they have to go and with a little convincing, Diana agrees it'll be fun.

Somehow, they get the time wrong and show up an hour or two after most people have arrived. Steve doesn't mind, but he is a little annoyed that the others got the better snacks and alcohol. Now that they're late, he'll have to scrounge to find something good to drink.

Diana tugs on his arm before he can slip into the kitchen. "Are they dancing?"

Steve glances over to where she's looking and nods.

"Yeah," he says. "Join if you want. I'll just be a minute."

He presses a kiss to her temple then wanders into the kitchen in hopes of finding either good alcohol or a snack.

Diana watches the others on the dance floor as he walks off. It's certainly not a type of dance she's familiar with. She doubted her mother or aunts would even call it dancing. It's so unlike the way they dance on Themyscira that Diana wonders―not for the first time―if she's on a different planet and not just in a different country.

"Hey, look! It's Greece!"

Diana spins at that and frowns as a familiar guy approaches her. She knows he's in one of her classes, but she's never cared to learn his name. The way he grins and struts rubs her the wrong way and she has never been one to seek out that kind of trouble.

The guy is in front of her before Diana can decide to walk away. She doesn't want to be rude and as far as she knows, this could be his party that she's at. Walking away would certainly be a rude thing to do to the host no matter how unnerved she may be.

"Diana." He grins and wraps his arm around her shoulders in a tight hug. "I didn't expect to see you. I pegged you for someone more sophisticated and, well, Greek."

He wriggles his eyebrows at her but Diana doesn't reply. Instead, she considers joining the dancers and leaving him on the sidelines. Unfortunately, he follows her onto the dance floor and continues to―as Sameer once put it―chat her up.

As soon as she finds her way to the middle of the group, the guy grabs her waist. She's so surprised that it takes her a long second to realise what he's doing before she spins around to tell him just where he can put his hands.

"Excuse you," she snaps, shoving his hands off of her. There's not much space on the dance floor, though, so his hands quickly find her waist again.

"Welcome to America, doll," the guy says, wriggling against her hips in a way Diana's not sure she's comfortable with. "This is how we dance."

"It is not how I dance," Diana tells him stiffly.

"Come on," the guy encourages. He turns her so her backside is pressed against his front and leans forward to say, "You don't want to offend me, now do you? This is my party, after all."

It's just what Diana was afraid of, but if this is really how Americans dance at parties like this, she should at least give it a try. She lets him put his hands where he wants since he knows American culture better than her, but she does make sure his hands don't wander too far up.

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