goddesses and secrets

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the third (and final partner) one-shot to the chapter "cookies and a potential goddess"

It's going well. Really well, actually. In fact, Steve would go as far as to say that his relationship with Diana is going perfectly. They've been together almost all school year now and he's honestly never been happier. Etta and the boys tease him about it sometimes, but they seem to realise that it's not nearly as embarrassing as they think it might be. After all, Diana's pretty perfect so there's no reason for Steve to be embarrassed by his friends' teasing.

With only a week until the last day of classes, however, Steve's beginning to panic.

About two months ago, Diana asked if he would return to Greece with her for the summer. Her family was interested in meeting him (not excited, Steve noted, just interested) and Diana wanted to show him her home.

While the thought of going to Greece for the summer is exciting, the thought of meeting Diana's family is nerve-wracking. He has only ever "seen" them when they called Diana late at night. Considering that the conversation was only ever in Greek, he doubts it counts. Especially since he's never actually spoken to them except for a strangled "Hi" here and there.

Nevertheless, he had agreed and they had booked roundtrip tickets together.

They spend spring break with Steve's family and his mother falls in love with Diana almost as quickly as he did. She gushes over Diana's faint accent and asks her for some of the recipes Steve had mentioned over the phone. He blushes when his mother tells Diana that he praises her cooking every week, but Diana grins and promises to cook something that evening. After that, the rest of his family falls in love with her.

That was a month and a half ago, though, and now he's getting ready to leave for a summer in Greece. He's trying not to let Diana see how nervous he is, but she still seems to notice.

"It's only eight weeks," Diana says, biting back a laugh. "You don't need everything."

"Eight weeks is a very long time," Steve argues. He looks up at her from where he's kneeling beside his suitcase. "What if the weather changes?"

"The weather won't change. Themyscira is very mild-weathered."

Steve still hesitates and even though Diana laughs, she offers to help him pack and he hastily accepts.

His bag is fully packed four days before the last day of classes. To his complete surprise, Diana managed to fit everything he needed in a carry-on suitcase. Her suitcase is the same size and sitting beside his inside her apartment, but Steve is still worried he'll forget something important.

"I promise you," Diana says the day before classes end, "you have all that you need."

Etta takes them to the airport two days later. She pulls Diana into a hug, teases Steve about the way he watches Diana pull their suitcases from the trunk, then drives off.

Surprisingly, Steve is calm when they approach the check-in desk. As they get their tickets and make their way through security, Steve begins to think he can do this. How scary can Diana's family be?

When they arrive in Greece eleven hours later, Steve is too jet-lagged to worry. Diana navigates them through customs and before Steve can blink, she's taking his hand and steering him out of the airport.

Apparently, the island where she lives isn't reachable by plane. Instead, they'll have to take a ferry from Athens to the island.

Halfway through the ferry trip, Steve's anxiety comes back in full swing and he can't help but bounce his leg. Diana notices immediately.

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