bring-your-superhero-girlfriend-to-school day

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Summary: Diana spends a day at Steve's day job answering high school students' questions about history. Or, at least, that's what Steve wanted to happen. It's not necessarily what ends up happening.

If there was one thing Steve hated the most in the world, it was the sound of his alarm clock pulling him from his sleep and forcing him out of bed much too early. It didn't matter if the sound of it changed throughout the decades, it still remained the worst in the world. When all he'd had was a watch that beeped, he'd been able to turn it off quickly and go back to sleep. Now though, his phone would ring and in a futile attempt not to wake Diana, he'd wrestle with it for a few seconds before fully waking up.

"Good morning," Diana murmured, rolling onto his chest. Her eyes were still closed as she tucked her head into his neck and Steve smiled.

"Sleep," he told her, brushing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

Diana shook her head and sat up with Steve. As she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, Steve pressed a lazy kiss to her lips then hurried to the bathroom before her. Initially, Diana had been the only morning person in their relationship but over the decades, Steve had become the one to wake up first. Not necessarily because he wanted to, he just tended to have jobs that started a bit earlier. Like working at a school that required him to be there by seven on Friday morning for a staff meeting.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, Diana had already made the bed and left the room. He found her in the kitchen, setting out a box for pancakes and preparing the frying pan.

"Are you going to warm up the house by burning it down now?" Steve teased, walking up behind her.

Diana turned her head to roll her eyes at him and press a kiss to his cheek.

"No," she replied, stepping out of his arms. "I was just preparing it for you."

She walked back to their bedroom with a cheeky grin and Steve was left to make their breakfast alone. Shortly after, Diana returned fully dressed for work with her phone in hand.

"Early morning at the observatory?" Steve asked.

She glanced up at him. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Possibly a late night too."

"Text me and I'll have dinner ready when you return," Steve promised. Diana grinned and as he passed her a plate with the first pancake—fresh and ready to be eaten—he kissed her shortly. "I love you."

Diana's smile widened. "I love you too."

One of the best things about living through the decades with a goddess, Steve decided, was that he always had someone with him. Even if Diana worked somewhere else and was often out late at night, saving the world or finding a new taco place, she was a familiar constant in his life. They still weren't entirely sure if one day, Hades would arrive and inform them that Steve's time was up, but as far as they were concerned, they had all the time in the world.

Changing homes and losing friends every few years was difficult, but Steve had made it into a bit of a game to see how many different types of jobs he could find and live in the strangest place imaginable. Diana always went along with his shenanigans, smiling whenever he mentioned some obscure city they should move to or congratulating him for a job that he wasn't exactly qualified for. Like being a history teacher despite no real degree.

He still wasn't sure how he landed that one, but the students loved him and since he technically provided very accurate history lessons, the school seemed just as happy. They were beginning to get into more recent history, however, and Steve had been considering asking Diana to come in for the day if only to provide a bit more entertainment to the lesson than usual.

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