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Lisa's POV.

"Ms. Jennie Kim?" I said so closely to her face making her blush so hard as I smiled at her and move further a bit

"Your name is Jennie Kim right?" I asked her as she blink her eyes many times before answering

"Uh...Y-yes" she stuttered as I stand properly when she suddenly said something

"Uhmm....sorry, I didn't know that this was your seat, I'll just go to another seat if you min..." she stated as I cut her

"Nope!! I don't mind, you can sit there if you want" I said making her shocked

"Really?" she asked as I nod my head

"Yup!!" I said


Jennie's POV.

'I can't believe it, she's actually kind!! I thought she'd shoo me away earlier, but no she didn't'
I thought when she suddenly talked again

"But....." she started making me nervous again


"This line is mine and my friend's place, so if you don't mind....we're going to sit with you" she said with a bright smile

"Wait what?" I asked dazed by what she just said

"We're going to sit with you....Do you mind?" she asked again as I quickly nod my head

"Ah-yeah, sure....I don't mind, this is your line anyways" I said as she smiled at me again

'Geez!! What's with the smile!?'

"Great!!" she said as she sat beside me with her friends sitting on their seats living me in the middle

'This is so....awkward!!'

"Sorry for the interruption prof!! Please continue!!" Lisa said happily as the prof nod his head and continue the discussion

'I think I'm going to die!!' I thought

I can fucking smell her perfume!! She smells so sweet, geez!! Not just that, her skin is even touching mine at times!! God!! What is happening to me!!?

'But her friend with violet hair on my left is just alright, so what's the problem with her? Why am I like this?' I asked myself things until breaktime came making me breathe

'Finally!! They'll go now!!' I thought to myself when Lisa and her group of friends left to go to the cafeteria same with the others

"What the hell Jen!!" I scolded myself for being like that earlier

"Just be normal, everything is just like that, I just have to be normal, normal" I told myself repeatedly as I get my phone to distract myself

"I hope I can see PranpriyaLM play again" I said when I logged in and started going to the Elven Camptrozoid to finish King Zelvenick and get his crown so I could trade it to the Markleitoplé and so I could buy the golden guardian's armor once and for all!!

(Elven Camptrozoid : it is where all the elvens are staying.

King Zelvenick : known as the King of all elvens.)


Lisa's POV.

"Hey Lis!!" Taehyung called me as I looked at him pointing somewhere

"What?" I asked him as we stop on our track to the cafeteria

"Prince Min is coming" he said as I follow where he's pointing

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