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Jennie's POV.

"Right!! Ahh RubyJaneJK?" PranpriyaLM said while looking at me

"Yes?" I asked

"Can I have your number??" PranpriyaLM asked making me shocked

'What the fuck!!'

"Wait, what?" I asked dazed

'This!! Isn't happening!!'

"Your number, so we could chat and message each other" she said making me fucked

"What!?" I asked obviously shocked

"Sorry, It's just that.....we really need your number so that once we all like your performance, then we can contact you once we play" TurtleRabbitJKim explained as I calm myself

"Sorry,...sure!! To whom should I send it?" I asked when I suddenly received a friend request

(PranpriyaLM added you:
confirm request, delete)

'What the fuck!!'

"To me" PranpriyaLM said when I recieved another message

(PranpriyaLM send a message
: 😀 confirm pls!!! 😄)

'Fuck!!! Ahhh!!!' I thought as I blush offgame

"Oops!! Lunch is done" Kookie2.J said

"Right, we should go PranpriyaLM" TaeTaeV.0 said

"Right, well....thanks for the help again RubyJaneJK!!" PranpriyaLM said as they all logged off and I did the same

"What the hell just happened!?" I asked myself when students suddenly came inside the room same with the professor as the class starts


Lisa's POV.


"And that's all for today guys!! Remember to bring your homeworks tomorrow, good day" the prof said as he finally went out

"Lis!! Did you get her number?" Kai asked me as I shake my head making them sigh

"Oh, that's a bummer!" Jungkook said as I nod my head

"It's ok guys!! We can still find another one" Rosé said as we all went out of the room to go to our respective houses


"Aigoo!! But she's the perfect one!!" I said irritatedly as I slump on my bed

When I was about to close my eyes, I suddenly recieved a message

"Ughhh!! Who is it at this late our!!" I said irritated as I get my phone when I saw the message

"What the fuck!!" I said shocked

"Thank god!! Finally!!" I said happily as I tried to talk to RubyJaneJK through chat, clicking her number and changing it to RubyJaneJK before typing


- hey!! I thought you wouldn't confirm me!!


- sorry!! I just really can't believe that you want my
phone number!!


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