CH. 11 MATCH Pt. 2

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Third Person's POV.

"Arrasso.....we're starting now guys" DogsAin'tKai said when they heard the match creator announced

"Make sure to win guys!!" ChimJPark said making us laugh again

"Idiot!!" TurtleRabbitJKim said while laughing as she positioned her character on the field

"Right!! Like we wouldn't!!" DogsAin'tKai said making us laugh again

"Aigoo.......why am I even hanging out with idiots now!?" LoveIsRoses said getting a glare from ChimJPark who she hit in the head making him carress his head with a pout

"You idiot!!" LoveIsRoses said as we all laugh again

"Ok! Enough now guys!! The match is starting" PranpriyaLM said as they all focused on the match again as KSeulBae started the fight with

(Astronomix14.  Rogue.  845 Rank.  4972 XP

Hawk45.H.   Warrior.   814 Rank.   5019 XP

MedrakerQKing.   Mage.   801 Rank.   4592 XP


DogsAin'tKai.   Rogue.   813 Rank.   5012 XP

TurtleRabbitJKim.   Warrior.   802 Rank.   4251 XP

KSeulBae.   Mage.   793 Rank.   4002 XP)

On the other hand, Jennie is feeling a bit tired and sleepy while reviewing the files she was tasked to

"Aigoo......when am I even going to finish this?" Jennie said while yawning

"Sweetie?" she heard her dad as the door opened making her look at that direction

"Oh! Dad" Jennie said obviously tired

"Do you wanna sleep now? You can just finish those tomorrow before our seem pretty tired now" Mr. Kim said as Jennie smiled a little with sleepy eyes

"No dad, I'm fine.....I'd rather finish this now than rush it tomorrow" Jennie said as her dad nod his head

"Ok.....but don't over work sweetie, it's bad for your health, sleep when you want to" Mr. Kim said with a concern look then smiled at her daughter being all proud

"Yes dad" Jennie said as her dad nod his head again

"Ok.....I'm going now, make sure to take a rest later" Mr. Kim lastly said then went out as Jennie continue what she was doing


Jennie's POV.

'Finally!! This is all just bullshit!! Geez!!' I thought after finishing everything as I stood up and stretched my arms while yawning

"Finally!! I can sleep now" I said as I get my bag on the sofa of the office when my phone suddenly vibrated making me stop and get it first when I saw a message making me shocked

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