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Lisa's POV.

We're in the middle of a discussion when someone knocked on the door and opened it

"Jennie?" I asked myself in whisper while looking at her direction

"Excuse me sir....uhhm....I just have to get my things" Jennie said shyly

'Why?? Where is she going? School's not over yet' I thought when the professor nodded and let her in

'What the heck!! Why isn't he scolding her!?' I thought when Jennie came close to me to get her things

"Hey Jen" I whisper-called her while she kept on packing her things

"Yes?" she asked me giving glances as she continue to quickly pack her things

"Where are you going?" I asked her

"Oh, just family matters" she said as she looked at me finally finished packing

"Bye Lis!" she said

"Thank you sir" that's the last thing I heard her say before leaving the room


"Hey guys!! We already messaged ScarletFire45, she agreed on the duel, she's just waiting for us now" Rosé said when we sat around our favorite spot beside a tree

"Great!! How about you Lis? Did RubyJaneJK agree with the duel?" Jimin asked me

Unfortunately, I forgot to tell them that Jennie is RubyJaneJK, and that I forgot to ask her...

'Shit!! Will she log on!!? I hope she does!!' I thought as I quickly get my phone ignoring my friends and check if she's online

"RubyJaneJK..." I said while finding her name

"Here!! Wait..." I said when I saw that she's not online making me down

"Sorry guys....I forgot to tell her, I don't think she'll go to the duel" I told my friends as they pat my back

"It's ok Lis" Seulgi said while continously patting my back

"Yeah, it going to be ScarletFire45 now?" Jungkook asked when I suddenly received a message


- hey!! are you free??


- yeah, why?


- I'm so bored, can you
play with me?

'Wait!! This is it!!'

"Finally!!" I said happily getting my friends attention as they all look at me with their phones in hand probably playing already

"What?" Kai asked as I gave them my biggest smile

"What's with the smile?" Taehyung asked

"RubyJaneJK!!" I said happily

"What's with her?" Jisoo asked

"She wants to play!! I can tell her the duel!!" I told them making them excited

"Then, what are you still doing? ask her already!!" Kai said hurrying me making me laugh

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