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Jennie's POV.

We're now here inside the temple to fight King Merthanivoidus while the others took care of the other redavoids that kept coming to us

"I'll go first!!" ChimJPark said as he went on to fight king Merthanivoidus but soon got killed

"Ok!! I'll go next!!" PranpriyaLM said as soon as ChimJPark revived

"Hammer Crush!!" PranpriyaLM said as King Merthanivoidus got crushed by a big hammer from PranpriyaLM making his life points into 81

"Ohhh!! I am going to kill you!!" King Merthanivoidus said as he attacked PranpriyaLM who quickly went to the left side and strike him with a scorpio lightning making his life points into 59 but he hit PranpriyaLM with his redavoid steel making PranpriyaLM lose some life points making it 56 only

"Shit!!" ChimJPark cursed seeing PranpriyaLM's damage pretty big

"Let's help her!" I told him making him look at me

"What? You're a bit choppy" he asked

"Oh! Wait" I said as I stood up and went to find my dad to ask what happened

"Dad!! Can I talk to you?" I asked as soon as I saw him talking with some guest while the others are still partying in the pool splashing some water

"Oh sweetie!! Of course!! Uhm, excuse me for a sec." my dad said as they nod their heads and we went to the other side of the pool

"What is it sweetheart?" dad asked

"Dad, did you know what happened to the connection?" I asked while looking at my phone trying to connect to the internet

"Oh!! Hahah!! I thought it was something else" dad said while laughing

"Why are you laughing?" I asked as I looked at him

"Nothing dear, it's just're still with that game you always play" he said making me pout

"But don't worry. Anyways...the internet will be out for only 10 minutes 'cause they are fixing something inside for the lighting of the party later at nighttime" dad said making me groan

"Does it really have to be 10 minutes? I need the internet now" I said grumpily making my dad laugh at me again

"Hahha!! I'm sorry dear, but I'll try to make it quicker...I'll just talk them" my dad said as I nod my head and he left to go inside

"Ughh!! I need to help them!! Now I have to log on again!!" I said irritatedly when my phone buzzed making me look at it quickly

"Finally!!" I exclaimed happily as I quickly run back to my spot earlier and log on when my phone connected to the internet

"There!! I'll just use a portal now!! It's faster" I said as I get some portal dust in my inventory and make one inside the temple

"Sweetie!!" I heard my dad called making me look at him

"I already talked to them, are you ok now?" he asked as I nod my head with a smile on my face

"Yes dad!! Thank you!!" I said them went back to my phone

"Ok then, If you need something else....just tell me ok?" dad said

"Yes dad! Thank you!!" I said still busy with my phone finding PranpriyaLM and the others as my dad left to talk with his friends again when a message popped up from my phone


-hey!! where are you?
what happened?

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