Twenty Five

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(adj.) Refusing to agree or compromise. 

The next few days passed by in an indistinguishable blur. Suddenly, everyone was concerned for my well-being and I would have people hovering over me, which was dampening my plan to escape.

I didn't understand the sudden change in attitude from everyone, save for Gen who had always been friendly with me. Regular pack members would stop to greet me whenever I walked by and some would even approach me and give me gifts and food.

It made my visit to the orphanage and the school so much more difficult because people were swarming me like bugs. I hardly managed to speak to the leaders of the institutions before I was being pulled off and dragged away by others wanting my attention.

"Luna! Look, the children all made cards for you," One teacher bragged, gesturing to her class where the young pups held out pieces of paper towards me.

"Thank you Children," I smiled, graciously collecting what they handed to me. While the gesture was sweet, it felt forced. People went from running away and avoiding me, to suddenly begging for my attention.

I found it oddly suspicious and decided to bring it up with Aurelius.

"Why is everyone being so nice to me?" I asked. The man in question looked up from his desk, furrowing his brow.

Even Aurelius had been oddly nicer towards me too. For starters he didn't avoid me anymore and would walk into the office whenever I was in there. He would sit at his desk while I sat at mine and we would both work in silence.

He would also occasionally eat meals with me, such as lunch and dinner, mostly in silence though he'd try to start a conversation.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"I mean, one minute no one can stand my presence and next minute people are throwing themselves at me," I stated.

He opened his mouth to respond but looked unsure of what to say and closed it back.

"You told them to act nice didn't you?" I asked. His face alone answered that question and I sighed, not even sure how to react to that.

"Why would you do that? If your people hate me, then let them hate me," I hated the fake niceties and acting. It was sickening to me.

"No, you are their Luna and you deserve some respect," He stated.

"Respect? When did I ever get respect here? One minute I'm being accused of betraying the pack and the next I am some deserving Luna?" I questioned, crossing my arms as I stood over his desk.

"You had several things to say about my worth, so why the sudden change in attitude, Alpha?" I scowled.

"I realised how unfair I was being. The joining ceremony is just around the corner and it would make sense for everyone to already accept you as Luna," He explained.

"The joining ceremony? You seriously can't be thinking about that?" I asked incredulously.

Was this man really that self absorbed?

"Yes, of course I'm thinking about it. As alpha, it is important to think about the future of this pack. I'm expected to have an heir soon," He said gruffly.

"And what makes you think I would ever give you an heir?" I had to focus on keeping myself calm at this obtuse man before me.

"It is your duty as Luna," He stated simply.

"Luna duties be damned. I'd rather die than let you touch me," I hissed. His face twisted downwards into a deeper frown as he ran his hand through his hair.

"If you're so desperate for an heir, you can always mate with Aerin," I sneered. "She's much more willing than I."

"No, I will not mate with Aerin," he growled.

"Well you should tell her that because she's going around telling everyone she'll be the next Luna," At this point, I didn't even care. If he did mate with Aerin it meant he would be less likely to care about my escape.

"No, an heir has to come from the alpha and his real mate," He hissed back.

"And I won't give you an heir willingly. Are you going to force me?" I asked, raising an accusatory brow at him.

He looked startled and disgusted, standing up from his seat and towering over me as he stared me down.

"I would never do that. Not to anyone, much less my own mate," He growled. I met his stare head on, never breaking eye contact.

"You really think so low of me?" He asked, in a much quieter voice.

"I don't know what to think," I replied tightly. "But if you had half a brain, you'd cancel the joining ceremony. I'm not doing it," I asserted.

"I'm not cancelling the ceremony. While I won't force you to carry my heir, you are still my mate and we have to complete the bond," His face was as hard as his voice and I kept my mouth shut.

"We'll see," is all I said.

I quickly left the office, abandoning my work and heading back to my room.

That was my sign to leave so I made quick work of mind linking my uncle and cousin.

'Be ready. We'll leave tonight once the guards have left their posts,' I ordered.

'Of course. The truck is ready and waiting,' Uncle replied.

'Good. I'll make my way over to you and then we can leave.'

I finished off my conversation, deciding to take a nap to pass time. I refused to do any work, since I would no longer be the Luna so I settled into my bed and lightly drifted off.

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