Fifty Three

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(n.) The process of forgetting.

Watching Aerin and her mate agree to permanently sever the bonds between them was heartbreaking. Aerin's mate was a good guy, a pack doctor, who had a false sense of loyalty to his pregnant girlfriend. Despite his wolf begging him not to do it, I saw it in his eyes the moment he saw us that he was not budging.

Just to be fair, I did tell them both of the risks that one of them would have to leave the pack territory to avoid not only awkwardness and tension, but the slim chance of my work coming undone and both of them being subjected to the excruciating pain of rejection.

Again, they both claimed they understood and wanted to get on with it.

So I severed their bond.

It wasn't easy diving into their minds and hearing the cries of their wolves but I knew that I was somehow doing the right thing; that the moon goddess had a plan.

Needless to say, as I bid farewell to Aerin after she asked to leave for the neighbouring pack, I was mentally exhausted and ready to just go home and cuddle with my mate. I did just that and was quick to wrap my arms around him as we silently held each other.

'How are you holding up?' I asked Keiran through the link.

'I'm better now but I'm concerned about my dad,' He showed me through his mind the conversation he had with his father. Elric felt that he didn't do his job properly and failed to protect his mate from whatever evil spirit possessed her.

I just squeezed him tighter, unsure of what to say.

It felt like everything was falling apart.

I felt him tense in my grip for a moment and realised he was being mindlinked. I looked up at him and watched as his face contorted into a grimace once he snapped back into reality.

"It's my sister she-," I pressed a soft kiss to his lips to reassure him.

"Go. Your family needs you. I'll see you tonight," he smiled down at me, gratitude shining in his eyes before he pressed a firmer kiss on my own lips. The kiss was short, though filled with unspoken emotions. I watched as he walked out and sighed as I slumped onto the sofa.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head to rest back as I tried to clear my mind and wash away my stressful thoughts. I wasn't very successful because my mind started conjuring up images.

At first, I was confused as to what my spirit was trying to tell me and where these blurry images where coming from but then I decided to just accept these visions and dissect them later.

I saw two figures that I immediately recognised: my parents. Just like in my dreams, they were sitting in the tall wild grass, playing with a baby that could only be me. I wanted to reach out for them, to touch them but I remained rooted in my position, watching the scene unfold.

Several howls began echoing in the air and they both froze before standing up.

"They're here," My dad muttered. He hugged my mother and I tightly, pressing two lingering kisses onto each of our foreheads.

"You know what to do, right Love?" He asked, his voice wavering slightly. I could see his fear and love swimming in his eyes as he gazed at his equally terrified mate.

"Yes I do," she swallowed thickly, gently bouncing a fussy me. For a second, they just gazed at each other silently, no words spoken, as if they knew that this was it; the end of everything.

My heart clenched as tears gathered in my eyes, desperately wanting to just reach out and help them.

Another series of howls broke the moment and I watched as they both slipped into their leader roles, their eyes hardening and filling with resolve and determination.

"Until we meet again Mica,"

"Until we meet again Sofia," They both nodded at each other before running in opposite directions.

I was shocked and surprised that they had said that to each other, because that was only said when a wolf was dying. It was like they knew they wouldn't make it.

I tried to follow either of them, but my feet remained planted on the ground and all I could do was hear the sounds of fighting in the distance. Tears streamed down my face as I heard my original pack and family be torn apart by the worst kind of monsters.

The vision around me slowly faded away as the office came back into focus. I rubbed my temples and wiped my face, wondering why my spirit forced me into that vision.

I stood up, suddenly feeling restless and began pacing around the room. It had been a while since I had a vision and I had no idea what to make of it. I already knew how Hunters had destroyed my pack and countless of other packs too.

Something gleaming caught my eye and I turned to realise it was the silver arrow on the desk. I reached for it, once again touching the sharp jagged edge as I thought.

Not many packs used silver and the few that did preferred a smoother cleaner edge as opposed to the roughness of this one. I was also told vampires and witches didn't use these types of arrows either, since they either had larger arrowheads or more intricate patterns and beautifully designed shafts.

So this weapon was crafted either by a creature gone rogue or a completely unknown enemy.

Again, my mind replayed my vision, my ears ringing with the howls and screams of the innocent. I could hear weapons fly through the air and the sound of both sides clash. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it or not since the sounds were scarring enough.

I froze.

The hairs on my neck and arm raised as the blood in my veins chilled with a startling revelation.

It didn't make sense but at the same time, made all the sense in the world too.

Hunters were behind these attacks too.

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