Chapter 3: Dream Meeting

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Error found Dream's dreamscape after a bit, it just appeared suddenly. It couldn't go by unnoticed by him from the weird connection they how have.

Error did what he remembered Dream telling him, and his vision blackened, then he was with Dream, both in their own bodies. But it was only the dreamscape, unfortunately not permanent.

Dream was sitting on the grass, his dreamscape was a past version of Dreamtale, just without the inhabitants.

Dream noticed Error and turned around, patting the grass next to him, telling Error to sit there, which he did.

"UhH... hEy... I'm NoT gOoD aT cOnVeRsAtIoNs So... uhH, hOw WaS yOuR dAy...?" Error asked awkwardly, in his own voice.

"I went to Outertale, I heard someone so I went back to the Antivoid then I made like 40 scarves and took a nap. And then you appeared here," Dream told him, also in his own voice. "What about you? How was it with Ink and Blue?"

"It WaS wEiRd... NoT oNlY wAs My GrEaTeSt EnEmY eVeR wOrRyInG oVeR mE, bUt I cOuLdN't EvEn Be... MySeLf... I hAd To Be YoU..." Error answered. "I hOpE wE fInD a WaY bAcK tO rEvErSe ThIs SoOn..."

"Me too..."

They sat on the ground for a bit. Both of them felt sudden negativity. In the dreamscape, the have both their own abilities and the other's (even though they could have had it before since you can control the events in some types of dreams that I don't know the name of). They were aware of who it was due to the small amount of people who can enter dreamscapes.

They both silenced themselves.

"Explain." The deep, growling voice said sternly.

"FrOm WhAt I kNoW, iT wAs InK's IdEa."

"Because it was, Ink told us that he'd try to make Error unable to use his magic then attack him since he wouldn't be able to fight back then, he didn't even ask in we're ok with it, he just got a device he told Sci to make a while ago and gave it to me then pushed me through a portal."

"WhEn He UsEd ThE dEviCe, We SwApEd BoDiEs AnD aBiLiTiEs, We DeCiDeD tO nOT tElL aNyOnE, wHeN wE wOuLd FiNd A wAy To TuRn BaCk, We WoUlD pReTeNd It NeVeR hApPeNeD aNd HoPe ThAt No OnE wOuLd AsSuMe AnYtHiNg HaPpEnEd."

"And you were planning to hide it from me?"

"The less know, the better for us. If everyone knew, who knows what could happen!? Would we need to somehow go back to our previous lives, looking like each other and having each other's magic? Or would we need to swap permanently? Or something worse!?"

"I wOuLd GuEsS tHaT wE wOuLd HaVe To LiVe ThE rEsT oF oUr LiVeS aS eAcH oThEr, AnD i'D rAtHeR nOt,"

"Me neither..."

"I won't tell anyone, but you, both of you, will tell me of everything, everything that you did and any and all leads on how to turn you back."

"Ok, I can do that,"


"Great, so we have a deal?"



Nightmare smirked darkly before then disappearing.

Error was grumbling  to himself about how he doesn't want to, Dream, on the other hand, was partially excited.

Only partially because he wasn't particularly happy that he might have to destroy AUs...

What he was happy about was having a chance to be closer to Nightmare, relationship wise.

Dream nervously stuttered to Error that he wanted him to explain how to destroy an AU so that he would know how to do it, if he ever needed it, he added that he hoped not, and that this was only a precaution, just in case he needed to.

Error sighed, and made sure Dream wanted this and when Dream hesitantly said yes.

Error sighed and explained everything there is to know about the codes, including how to read and manipulate them.

He even demonstrated with an imagined 'CUI', as Error called it, it stands for Code User Interface.

Dream listened intently while Error explained, making sure he knows everything and occasionally asking questions if he doesn't quite understand.

The nice things about dreams is that years in the dream is only a few seconds in real life, so them could take their time.

Eventually Dream was sure he knew enough.

"Thanks for explaining everything to me, even though I hope I'll never need it..."

"No PrObLeM,"

Dream then started to flicker slightly, "Seems like I'm waking up,"

"YeAh, So WhAt NoW?"

"You'll be forced out of my dreamscape when I'll wake up and you could wake up too if you want to then," 

"WhAt If I dOn'T?"

"Then you'll be put back into you're own dreamscape until you choose someone else's to go into."

"K, bYe ThEn,"

"Bye!-" Dream said before disappearing completely.

The area around Error started to disappear and once when he blinked he was in his own dreamscape.

He could tell because there was a patch of rock that he was standing on, it looked like if someone took a chunk of a cliff out and put it in the middle of nowhere.

It was quite round and about 3.5 metres in diameter and all around him was the beauty of Outertale's stars.

He stayed there for a while before deciding to wake up, somehow knowing that it was a good time to do so.

He woke up to find out that it was 07:00. Error could read clocks, but only digital ones, analog clocks were too confusing to him. Luckily Dream had a digital.

"Exactly 7? Huh..." Error muttered, yawning and falling out of bed with a quiet thud. There was a small pile of blankets and pillows there, like if someone knew he was going to fall out of bed, the whole floor was covered in a fluffy light yellow carpet so it didn't make too much of a difference.

He noticed he was still in... 'his' clothes and changed into something more comfortable.

{Exactly 1001 words-}

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