Chapter 2.5: Acting Day 1 (Error/Part 2)

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Meanwhile with Error

Error fell out of the portal with a thump. He got up and noticed he was in Dream's room, or so he guessed. He guessed it was Dream's room because there was a lot of yellow everywhere, that's for sure.

"Dream? Dream! What happened?" Ink shouted when he noticed who was there.

"What happened? I think the device didn't work. Is that what happened? I'm not sure, I passed out after I tried to use it."

"What did that glitch do to you?" Ink asked, his worry clear, Error knew it was fake, however.

Error still had to get used to many things, like feeling everyone's emotions, auras, and such.

"Nothing, surprisingly. But the Antivoid it's horrid, it's just white, the only colours there are blue and red. It wasn't too bad, just lonely... How long have I been there? It felt like weeks."

"You were gone for 2 days," Blue answered as he came through the door. "Well, Dream, I've been in the Antivoid before so I know what it's like, I wasn't too nice of an experience ..."

"Dream, are you sure you're alright? You're acting a bit off ..." Ink asked making sure his 'friend' was ok.

"I'm feeling a bit off ... I think I just need to rest for now. I'm a bit tired," Error half-lied, he was a bit tired but he felt just fine.


Later, Ink went to the Doodlesphere to make sure Error wasn't destroying any AUs.

Which he couldn't be because Dream didn't know how, and Ink couldn't go to the Antivoid so Dream should be fine. Only Fresh and Nightmare would be able to get in, hopefully, they don't, Error hopes that they won't have to do this for long.

Error said he was tired and that he was going to bed.

"Good night, Dream," Blue said as 'Dream' left to 'his' room.


He went to 'his' room and he just lay down in bed, he didn't even know how to get himself to go to sleep.

Maybe he could try to find out how Dream's feeling, Dream was peaceful for a while, then scared, then slightly worried, and lastly relieved.

Maybe someone saw him?

That must be it, he just lay down trying to work out how emotions work, he could focus on a single person, but could he maybe find someone to focus on.

So he practised until Blue came to wake him up. Even if he was never asleep in the first place.

"Are you awake yet?" Blue asked.

A few moments of silence.

"... Yeah..."

"Do you feel any better?"

"No, not really..."

"I'm sure you will soon,"

"Blue, I'll be fine... It's going to be ok, I'm going to be ok,"

"I guess you right, you haven't started glitching have you?"

"As far as I'm aware, no? Why do you ask?"

"That's good, it's would be good for anyone if you were,"

"You still haven't answered me, and why would that be a bad thing?"

"Oh, if you were then it could mean that you might also turn into a glitch,"

A while later, Error said he was going to go to sleep since it's late. So he tried to see if he can find Dream in his dreams, if he's asleep.

{I'll go straight to writing the next chap so y'all don't have to wait as long
Again, I'm so, so sorry...}

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