Chapter 4: Future? + Important Announcement

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{I thought of trying a different pov here soooo-}

When I woke up, my body ached.

The ground was so uncomfortable, it's a miracle I even fell asleep.

Well, Error told me about the hammock he has but I'll probably fall off, I'd much rather have something on ground level.

Right before I went to sleep, I tried to see if Error's strings, like the ones on the ceiling, did what I told them to. And surprisingly, they did.

It worries me...

Knowing that these strings were used to kill thousands...

I hate that thought... That I am now barer of the most dangerous weapon I know of...

That's another reason I didn't want to sleep in the hammock... It was made of them...

Now what to do with all these scarves?

What would Error do? He wouldn't keep them, he doesn't need that many, but he wouldn't throw them away to waste.

He would give them to someone.

But who could I give these too?

And in what AU? There's thousands, if not millions, of AUs...


Then I noticed something, the black, red and yellow scarf kinda reminded me of Fell, maybe I could give them to whoever it reminds me of?

Yeah, not a bad idea.

So I grabbed the black, red and yellow scarf and opened a one way portal, so no one can see where it came from, and just dropped the scarf into it. I stayed for a few minutes, watching Fell's reaction as the scarf landed right in front of him.

He yelled around a bit, asking where it came from, but when no reply came, he put it on.

He kinda put his jacket over the scarf so it's kinda hidden, I don't know why but if he likes it like that then that's fine.

I did the same for every other scarf. Then I remembered that I was wearing the yellow, orange, and purple scarf I made. This was the last one, but I liked it, and it didn't remind me of anyone I knew anyway, maybe except myself and Nightmare. So I'll keep it. At least for when I'm in the Antivoid.

Now I can't help but what to go to Outertale again, it was so pretty to look at those stars.

I'll have to go to a different copy though, since someone spotted me in the first one.

So I went to a random copy.

The position of the stars was different here, if that goes for every copy, I might go to different ones, just to see different Star positions each time.

I'll never get bored of it I'm pretty sure!


After falling off the bed, I got up to my feet and went downstairs to the living room.

I sat down next to Blue, yawning quietly.

Blue didn't even notice me there until I somehow fell of the couch, I was sitting normally, it shouldn't be possible.

"Dream? Are you ok?" Blue asked.

"I uhh, I'm fine, just somehow fell off the couch," I replied.

"Are you sure, I could always get something for you,"

"No need, I'm fine."

"Ok then, I made breakfast already, it's in the kitchen on the counter. Go eat,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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