Chapter 1: It's Like A Mirror, But Not Quite

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Error POV

I woke up, my head hurts. I look around and see that I'm still in the Antivoid, but umm, I see myself? Or someone that looks like me?

I look at myself to see that I have pearly white bones and I'm wearing Dream's clothes.

I don't know what to think of this.

So, just from looking around I have a theory; Sci made a device, Dream was to use the device on me, the device didn't work, so we switched bodies.

Well, this is just great (Note the sarcasm).

I wonder if our powers also swapped. I tried to summon my strings, but it didn't work.

I did get a bow and some blue arrows that we're radiating positivity. How did I know that it was radiating positivity? I have no clue.

So our abilities swapped too, I guess that's cool?

Wait, I'll have to wake Dream. I would have to teach him to control "his" power, and vice versa. I sighed.

I rather wait, I don't want him panicking about me waking him up, in his body.

I rather wait, so I was practicing archery. I know I'll need it, especially if Dream attacks me. I think I seen him do it enough times to know how it's done.

Meanwhile (3rd person)

Ink was talking with Blueberry when he realised something, a question. 'Why hasn't Error attacked an AU in a while?' And that's what he asked Blue.

"Good question Ink, but shouldn't we talk about this with Dream?"

"Dream? Oh yeah, Dream. I haven't seen him since I took him to the Antivoid." Ink nervously said, knowing Blueberry would scream at him.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Blue screamed, like Ink expected.

"Calm down, Blue, please." Ink said, being somewhat successful. "I'll go check on him I'm a minute, you can come with me." He added. Ink was backed into a corner by Blue.

"You just sent my friend to possible death!" Blue continued screaming. "How can I possibly calm down!?"

"Blue please," Ink pleaded. "I don't want you to be angry at me"

"Angry? Angry is a bit of an understatement."

"Blue, please."

"Fine, but we're going to Dream now."

"Ok ok, let's go." Ink said while making a portal to the Antivoid.

When Dream wakes up

I heard a shuffle, turning my gaze to Dream, I got "my" bow ready to shoot.

"Um-" Dream cut himself off, his voice was less glitchy than mine.

"Dream?" I asked. He turned his head to me. He looked too confused to do anything so I lowered "my" weapon.

"Am I imagining things or am I cosplaying as Error and talking to myself?"

"I don't know if this is true but, I think we switched bodies, Dream." I told him. "I have no idea how this happened, but I have a theory. You had a device, said device was probably made by Sci and it was going to be used on me, but it malfunctioned."

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"How did we get in such a mess?" Dream shrugged. Then I realised something. "Wait, how are we going to do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we going to tell Ink and the rest that we switched bodies, pretend to be the other or something else if you can think of it?" I asked.

"I think that the best course of action is one of those, but which one?"

Cliffhanger, mwah ha ha ÙwÚ

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