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"Hey Rich," I say, looking down at my feet as Richie's front door swings open. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks and I fiddle with the sleeves of my oversized yellow sweater.
"Oh, hi Eds," Richie says, "Look, about what I said earlier... well I uh... I-"
I look up at him.
"Was it true?" I ask, referring to the 'prank'. He furrows his brows and looks completely torn, like he can't decide what to answer with. A long, terrifying moment passes before he sighs.

That's all I needed to hear. I surge forwards and smash our lips together messily, eyes fluttering closed. After only a seconds hesitation, Richie kisses back. The feeling is completely euphoric, and I realise just how long I've wanted this. Wanted him. I bring a hand up to tangle in his dark curls and his hands find their way to my waist. We pull away finally for air, and my eyes flutter open slowly. I realise I'm still on Richie's doorstep, but looking at him now - all flushed with messy hair and swollen lips, I just can't help myself. I reconnect our lips and this time Richie kisses back immediately.

Richie stumbles backwards, bringing me with him into his house. I hear the door slam shut behind us and assume he kicked it closed, as my eyes are shut in pure bliss. Richie pushes me backwards and my back collides with the door, not painfully. Once again we have to separate for air, and when he pulls away I draw in a breath sharply. I open my eyes once more and see Richie with his hands either side of my head, keeping me against the door. He's breathing heavily and looking rather obviously at my lips.

"Richie..." I breath, and he meets my gaze. He smirks, bending a little and pressing an open-mouthed kiss to my exposed neck. It's to much, and my head falls back against the door. God I love this boy.

I bolt upwards with a gasp, and my eyes dart around my dark room. What the fuck was that? Panting, I attempt to come to terms with what exactly I just dreamt. Where did that even come from?

Why am I suddenly having these thoughts? It can't just be because of the prank, could it? For fucks sake, it was just that - a prank. Why am I feeling like this? Why am I feeling like this about Richie? He's my best friend. He has been for as long as I can remember. We do everything together, because he's my friend. Nothing more. So why does it feel like...

Stop it Eddie. I'm just reading to much into this. Friends prank each other all the time, and friends are shipped together all the time. Right? Just because the Losers are always going on about how we would 'make such a great couple!' or how we should 'just kiss already before the tension kills us all', doesn't mean Richie feels anything for me. Hell, I don't feel anything for him! I don't. Then why am I even having to question it? No! Stop!

It was just a dream. It was just a stupid dream, some figment of my imagination that has no relation to my actual feelings whatsoever. But his lips felt so good on mine... I felt so... so alive.
"JUST STOP!" I shout, immediately slapping a hand over my mouth as I realise I said that out loud. I stay deadly silent, listening for any sign that my mother has woken up. After about five minutes, I decide it's safe and let out a breath. I close my eyes and try and clear my mind of any thoughts of Richie. I lay back down, pulling the duvet up underneath my chin. It was just a dream, nothing more.

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