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hey eds

Wht do u want Rich?

um well i wanted to tell u something
it's kinda important-

Wow are u actually being serious for once
K sure what is it

i have a crush on u...

Wait rly?

eds i've had a crush on u since grade 7

Stan ik it's u 🙄

it's not stan it's me

I'm not dumb
K I'm leaving now give Richie his phone back

3rd person POV

Eddie set his phone down on his bedside table quickly, although he didn't withdraw his arm. He simply sat on his bed, one hand resting in his lap and the other hovering over his phone, staring out his bedroom window and down at the empty street below aimlessly. What the fuck was that? He thought, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to make sense of the feeling growing in his chest. It was a prank. It was just a prank. Just Stanley or Bill or Ben or- What the fuck is this feeling? Eddie couldn't make sense of it. A warm, tingling sensation filling his insides rather pleasantly.

He felt his cheeks grow hot, he felt his whole body grow hot, as he considered the slim possibility that Richie was telling the truth. That perhaps, just maybe, his best friend had secretly been crushing on him all this time and he'd been to oblivious to notice. His mind lingered on this for just a short moment - a small smile somehow made its way onto Eddie's face as it did, although he had absolutely no idea why - and he found himself imagining them together. Imagining being able to cuddle up with Richie on the sofa, to hold his hand without worrying about it being awkward, to go see a movie with him (just him, none of the other Losers), to kiss-


He cut the thought off in its tracks, shaking his head and snapping his hand back to his chest in a hurry. Now his face was a definite shade of crimson. Why was he even having these thoughts? He's never seen Richie as anything more than a friend before, especially not wanted Richie for anything other than a friendship. What was going on?

Eddie jumped as his phone vibrated on the table, and he was glad of the distraction. He glanced over at the now illuminated screen.

New message from 'Trashmouth 🙄':
srry abt tht it was a prank lmao

New message from 'Trashmouth 🙄':
it was me tho stan isn't here

New message from 'Trashmouth 🙄':
so yh there's no point txting him or anything

New message from 'Trashmouth 🙄':
i gtg now my mom wants me bai

Eddie read the messages carefully as they came in, not unlocking his phone. Why would Richie say something like that, even if it was a prank? What if he... Stop.

"Eddie bear! Dinner!" Sonia Kaspbrak's shrill voice floated up the stairs. Eddie sighed, calling:
"Coming Ma!" Before quickly rushing into the bathroom and splashing some cool water on his cheeks to try and reduce some of the redness. Once satisfied, he dried his cheeks on the hand towel and ran downstairs.

When he was safely back in his room, Eddie found that - much to his own horror - he was thinking of Richie. Before these unwanted thoughts could escalate, Eddie busied himself with changing into a plain oversized shirt and shorts and brushing his teeth (obviously making sure to do it for exactly two minutes) and by the time he was in bed, his mind was set on the book he had picked up. Good.

After reading for around an hour, Eddie reached above his head and pulled the light switch, submerging his room in an almost total darkness. The only light source was the dim moonlight slanting in through the slats in his closed blinds, and that was hardly enough to prevent him from sleeping. Content with all earlier events forgotten, Eddie allowed himself to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Peaceful until the dream came, that is.

*Richie POV*

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I've really done it now. He knows. He fucking knows and it's all my fault. I just wanted to finally admit it, to finally be able to tell him about the feelings that've been building up for the last two years. When he said he thought I was Stan I'm pretty sure that was code for 'you should stop now or it'll ruin everything'. That's why I did it. That's why I said it was a prank.

Shit I shouldn't have said the thing about not texting Stan. Me and my goddamn overthinking coming up with every possible scenario and picturing Eddie texting Stan and asking why he pranked him, Stan then telling Eddie it wasn't him and it wasn't a prank, that I did have feelings for Eddie and I was utterly clueless on how to tell him.

Now, pacing back and forth around my room and biting my nails anxiously, I realise there was absolutely no chance of that happening. I wasn't lying when I told Eddie my mom wanted me, I'd gone down for dinner and somehow managed to stay calm whilst I ate my pepperoni pizza. Now I'm meant to be asleep and instead I'm reconsidering every decision I've ever made.

I sigh defeatedly, deciding that what's done is done, and try not to think about the fact Eddie hasn't read the messages. Is he ignoring me? Did he actually believe it was a prank? Finally, I walk over to my bed and pull the creased duvet back, slipping under the covers and getting in a comfortable position. I turn the light off and scrunch my eyes closed.

Although it feels like my thoughts will never cease, I somehow mange to calm them enough for sleep to take me.

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