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3rd person POV

Eddie squinted against the bright morning light as his eyes fluttered open. It took a second for him to adjust to his surroundings, and a sharp pain shot through his neck causing him to wince. He realised he was lying on the sofa, in his front room. Why? He went to move his hand and rub his steadily focusing eyes when he realised it was wrapped tight around someone's waist. Richie's waist.

Eddie's eyes finally cleared and he immediately looked down at the sleeping boy, his head turned to one side on the arm rest and his chest rising and falling slowly, the feeling comforting to Eddie who was still lying on top of him. The asthmatic boy lifted his head up from the crook of Richie's neck and winced at the pain caused by it - he had definitely not slept in the best position, but it had been worth it. Richie looked particularly pretty in the hazy morning sunlight, his glasses (which normally enlarged his eyes ridiculously) were now laying carelessly on the floor beside them both, allowing Richie's features to stand out more than normal. His freckles seemed to shimmer in the glow from the windows, causing him to appear almost... ethereal. To Eddie, at least.

Eddie smiled, reaching out and gently brushing a curly strand of hair back behind the taller boy's ear, allowing his hand to linger there for a long moment before gently moving to rest his hand on Richie's chest, the other still wrapped around his waist, before he lay down again, nuzzling into Richie's neck. Richie turned his head ever so slightly, and unconsciously wrapped his arms - they had previously been lying limply by his side - protectively around the smaller boy. This only caused Eddie to smile more.

Richie still hadn't woken, so Eddie made the most of this peaceful moment. It was a moment he knew he would always remember, one where Richie had not interrupted with some terrible joke. One filled with love, wether it was platonic or possibly something more.

As if reading Eddie's thoughts, Richie began to stir. Just a little at first, settling down again afterwards, but soon his eyes opened fully. He wore the same dazed expression Eddie had earlier, and Eddie watched, unmoving, as his eyes flicked around the room. Soon enough, a hint of recognition was clear in them and they rested now on Eddie's. Both boys blushed profusely, and Richie opened his mouth to say something that would most definitely be stupid when Eddie cut him off before he could even begin.
"Shut up," He mumbled, nuzzling back into Richie's neck. For once, the older boy did as he was told and stayed quiet, tightening his grip on Eddie.

They stayed like that for a while, perfectly calm and peaceful, until Richie bent down a little and quickly pressed a kiss into Eddie's hair as he had done the previous night. Eddie's eyes widened in shock as Richie pulled away, and his face immediately flushed scarlet. Although he couldn't see him, Eddie knew Richie's looked similar as well.

Suddenly, the loud rumble of an engine began to make its way up the drive, effectively destroying the tension, and Eddie realised with growing horror it was his mother. He jumped up, looking at Richie with wide eyes.
"What is it?" Richie asked, fumbling for his glasses and sliding them onto his nose.
"It's my mom! You have to go, now!" Eddie panicked, getting off the couch and grabbing Richie's hands, succeeding in pulling him up.
"Wha- But it's only Thursday?" Richie questioned, eyebrows furrowed. The engine cut off as the car came to a stop outside, and there was the loud click of a car door opening. Sonia would be here any second now.
"I know that dipshit! She must be early, but you have to go now," Eddie hissed, tugging Richie through the kitchen and to the back door. He opened the back door quickly and sprinted back to get Richie's shoes, grabbing them just as his mother's keys began to jangle in the lock.
"I'm sorry. Bye, Rich," Eddie said, passing Richie his black converse which Richie quickly pulled on before stepping outside.
"It's ok. Bye, Eds. Oh and don't forget to say hi to your mom for m-"
But Eddie slammed the door in his face before he could finish.

"Eddie bear? Where are you?" Sonia Kaspbrak's shrill voice rang through the house.
"Here ma!" Eddie called back.
"What're you doing in the kitchen?" Sonia asked, making her way through to Eddie until she was towering over him.
"I was- I was making breakfast," Eddie lied.
"It's twelve o'clock?"
Holy shit. Me and Richie were cuddling for that long? I'm sure it was early morning when I woke up...
"I mean lunch,"
"You're early?"
"Oh! I almost forgot, Aunt Kelly didn't actually need me to stay for the final day and I was worried about you so I decided to just come back. You know I love you a lot, don't you Eddie bear? You know how much I care about you?" She said, and Eddie cowered more in her shadow.
"Yes, ma. I love you to," He whimpered.
"Have you taken your pills for this morning yet?"
"Yes," Another lie.
"And last night?"
"Yes," Another.

He would make sure to flush the placebos down the toilet before his mother could spot them in his bedroom.
"I'm gonna go and... read a comic upstairs," Eddie said, desperate to be out of his mother's view.
"Have fun,"
Eddie smiled weakly at her and swivelled around, making his way towards the stairs.
"Oh, and Eddie?"
"Yes, ma?"
"You haven't had anyone around, have you?"
"No, ma,"
"Good boy. If I ever find out you've been letting that faggot Tozier boy stay in my house you've got another thing coming,"
Eddie ran up the stairs.

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