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3rd person POV

After what seemed like hours but was really only minutes, the two boys were forced to pull away for air. Richie rested their foreheads together, eyes slowly opening at the same time as Eddie's. Neither of them moved their arms from their positions, continuing to hold each other close.

Richie could feel Eddie's hot breath on his neck as the realisation of what just happened hit them both like a shockwave. Richie laughed lightly and Eddie soon joined in.
"Took you long enough," The shorter boy said after a little while, and Richie admired his carefree expression in the mid-afternoon sunlight.
"Says you! Giving me a fucking kiss on the cheek. Your mother gives me much mo-"
"Beep beep Richie!" Eddie cut in, finally unwrapping his arms from around Richie's neck and stepping back ever so slightly. Richie allowed his own arms to fall back down by his side.

"So- so um," Eddie started, and Richie was immediately filled with dread. What if he didn't want it? What if I made a mistake? Pushing his emotions down, he managed to respond.
"Does this mean- Are we- Are we together?" Eddie asked sheepishly, looking down and scuffing his shoe on the pavement. Richie smirked at this as relief flooded through him.
"Well that depends, do you wanna be together?" He asked, and Eddie lifted his head, their gazes meeting once more.
"Definitely," He said, not a hint of doubt in his voice.
"If- if that's what you want as well, obviously," He stuttered, scratching the back of his head nervously.
"That's all I've wanted since I set eyes on you, my Eddie Spaghetti," Richie said easily, slinging an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and beginning to walk down the street. Eddie furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance and slapped feebly at Richie's arm but made no further attempt to escape his embrace.

"How will we tell the others?" Eddie suddenly blurted as they rounded a corner, and Richie had just opened his mouth to respond when a voice spoke from behind them.
"No need," Stanley said, walking out of the bushes on the corner of the street, followed by Bill, Bev, Ben and Mike.
"What the- all of you guys were here? Were you watching us-"
"Hey, if it wasn't for Stan, there'd be nothing to watch!" Bev exclaimed and Richie looked away.
"I guess,"
Eddie was still to shocked to say anything, but he quickly shook himself out of it.

"Wait, you knew they were here?" He asked incredulously, turning to face Richie who still hadn't dropped his arm.
"No! Only Stan! He- he gave me a pep talk," Richie mumbled.
"I knew you wouldn't have made a move by yourself," Eddie sighed in response, making all of them laugh.
"A-a-anyway, we're r-really happy for y-y-you guys," Bill assured, smiling at them both. The rest of the Losers nodded in agreement and Ben gave Eddie an awkward pat on the shoulder as if to say congrats in the most Ben way possible.

"Well, if it's alright with you guys me and Spaghetti here will be going back to his house, if we're lucky I might even get to see Sonia-"
"Oh my god just come on," Eddie said, grabbing the hand wrapped around his shoulder and tugging Richie away from the group, who called out various goodbyes.
"Someone's paying me back for the ice cream I bought all you fuckers while we were waiting," Stanley grumbled, before their voices faded out completely.

"You really know how to ruin a good moment don't you?" Eddie asked the still grinning Trashmouth, who squeezed his hand in response.
"Yeah, but you love me,"
Richie's mouth snapped shut and his eyes widened as he realised what he'd said, and colour immediately flooded Eddie's cheeks. Their was a long pause as they continued to walk down the street in silence, until Eddie finally spoke.

"Yeah," He said softly, "Yeah, I guess I do,"

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