00. shattered glass

956 45 79

tw// car crash, drunk driving


ricky sniffled a little as he quickly drank down his shot of alcohol, his friends watching from the bar stools beside him while a loud ariana grande song blasted through the busy bar.

school let out almost two weeks ago, ricky, big red, seb, carlos and ej going out to get some alcohol at least for half of the week.

"ricky, how about we like.. bring you home?" seb suggested softly and the boy shook his head with a laugh.

"aren't we having fun?" ricky grinned lazily as he leaned back into his chair, ordering another shot while the other boys sighed.

"we were, ric, but i think we should head home." carlos told the boy and he groaned.

"you guys are no fun, just like my fucking mom." the curly headed boy spat as he got up and grabbed his leather jacket.

ricky stumbled a little as he hopped of his chair, ej quickly moving to support his friend who instantly swatted ej's hand away, "N-NO!" ricky yelled, slurring his words, "get off!"

and with that, ej pulled his hands away, raising them defensively as ricky felt tears brim in his eyes.

his life at home was going downhill lately; his moms boyfriend, todd, moved in with them a couple weeks ago. the man started to call ricky 'son' against the boy's liking and everytime the word slipped from todd's mouth, ricky remembered how his father and mother used to be so happy together and it made him angry and frustrated beyond belief.

carlos, seb, and big red watched from their bar stools, all of them silently looking on as the boy's face flooded with tears.

but before another word could escape any of their mouths, ricky quickly reached into his jacket pocket and grasped his car keys, swiping at his tears before quickly running off, his friends' eyes widening as they followed suit.

"DUDE! RICKY!" big red yelled as the four boys ran out the glass doors of the bar, all of them seeing the drunkened ricky situated in his car as they quickly ran across the parking lot.


but with a simple teary eyed glared, he quickly pressed onto his gas pedal, speeding pass his friends who watched breathlessly, their expressions exasperated.

ricky's brain was fuzzy, alcohol coursing through his body as tears blurred his vision. he was passing the speed limit as he rushed through the streets, tears running down his face.

the boy was so supposedly drunk that his fuzzy mind had mistaken a red light for a green light, not like he would really care if it was a red light anyways.

missing the red light, he crashed into another car passing by, falling into a deep sleep as his eyelids fell heavy. the glass of the windows shattered, the car was pretty damaged, a deep wound slit into the fabric of his jeans and into ricky's leg but overall not too much damage done for the boy.

he was floating in and out of consciousness as he sensed the red and blue lights getting brighter by the second and the loud flaring sirens in the distance.

the last thing he remembered was waking up in his bed, an aching pain in his leg and the stern voice of his mother from downstairs.

what a great way to start the summer.


𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁 - 𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗮𝘂. Where stories live. Discover now