02. stranger

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ricky sighed as he pulled a hoodie up over his body. it was currently 6am and he was getting eady to leave to delivery newspapers.

although he didn't want to do so, his mom had already scolded him for being the "bad child" of the family since his younger sister had always been the star between them.

somehow thought, he was still lucky since he didn't need to wear a uniform, being able to wear his checkered vans and a dark orange hoodie.

the curly headed boy looked through the window before grabbing his skateboard and a small bag to fit the newspapers into.


it took a while getting used to throwing newspapers while balancing on a skateboard but ricky slowly got used to it, quickly skating through the streets as he threw paper after paper onto porches.

he sighed, biting his bottom lip in between his teeth as he skated faster. 'the quicker i go, the quicker i can get home.'

as he threw a newspaper onto the front of a home, his phone made a buzz and he tried to ignore it but ultimately failed, letting out a small annoyed sigh before continuing to skate through the streets while getting his phone out of his pocket.

as he threw a newspaper onto the front of a home, his phone made a buzz and he tried to ignore it but ultimately failed, letting out a small annoyed sigh before continuing to skate through the streets while getting his phone out of his pocket

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ricky continued to type single handedly while absentmindedly tossing the papers more carelessly, not watching as it hit a supposed "bush" instead of a porch

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ricky continued to type single handedly while absentmindedly tossing the papers more carelessly, not watching as it hit a supposed "bush" instead of a porch.


at the voice, he almost immediately jolted off his skateboard, falling onto the ground with a curse escaping his lips as he groaned.

"you ruined my roses!" he heard a voice yell out and he rubbed his head before quickly glancing back up.

'shit, shit, shit-' he thought to himself as he swallowed a harsh breath.

it was an old lady. not just any old lady though. it was malou - malicious malou is what young children around the neighborhood called her. she hated every single person here, only ever staying in her home with the exception of watering her roses.

"i-i-" the boy stammered out, stumbling back on his hands as malou wobbled over to him, a thick brown cane in her boney hand.

"what do you think you're doing, boy. carelessly throwing around newspapers like that," malou scolded as she pointed a finger at him.

"i-im sorry-" he stuttered, shakily backing up on the pavement as he sat on the street.

now ricky, he wasn't really afraid of anything. maybe a couple things, but he was practically fearless. but when it came to malou, the old lady on sixth street, he couldn't help but fear her. there had been many myths about her. one that she's a prison escapee and she moved to salt lake city to run away from her past. others that she's a witch, a cookie stealer, a washed up alien from another planet and yeah, those ones come from children.

"that's all you have to say for yourself, boy?" malou spat and ricky shakily nodding slightly. he wanted to grab his skateboard and quickly run off, but he felt immobile at the hands of malicious malou.

the old woman shook her head frustratedly, her chapped lips parting to speak when quickly, the front door opened.

"malou," a small brunette quickly said, ricky turning his head and letting out a sigh of relief as a girl walked down the front steps of the old structured home. the girls long brown hair tumbled down her shoulders, her lips glossy and pink, her eyes an enticing dark rich brown.

ricky swallowed harshly, his eyes darting back to malou and back to the small brunette girl who quickly stood by the old lady and held her shoulders, "malou, i made your favourite soup. let's go inside." she offered, her eyes slightly travelling towards the curly headed boy who was oddly sitting on the ground. 'weird,' nini silently told herself.

malou pressed her lips together, glaring firmly at the curly headed boy before sighing deeply, "clean up the roses after lunch."

nini nodded eagerly as she followed suit behind the old woman who stepped up the porch and inside the home.

ricky held his glance on the girl who simply took one look back at the curly headed boy before quietly biting her lip and closing the front door.



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