01. feud

825 39 210

a/n: livs new single. that's all i have to say.


it was a beautiful morning on sixth street, a small brunette girl laid in the kitchen as she prepped breakfast for her lola- correction, her guardian.

nini smiled, humming quietly as her taylor swift playlist played in the background. the sun was beaming brightly through the kitchen window as she turned around from the cabinet filled with medications and grabbed the piece of toast out of the toaster, the golden flakes of the bread sheening as she scrapped peanut butter onto the bread.


the brunette turned around, butter knife in hand, as she grinned at malou, "good morning, malou."

the old woman nodded her head bluntly, her thick wooden cane clicking on the wooden floor as she walked into the kitchen. "good morning, nina. did you-"

"water the roses? fold the laundry? wash the dishes? get your medication ready and your breakfast? because yes. yes i did." nini grinned proudly, her glossy pink lips spread upwards into a happy grin.

malou pressed her chapped lips in a thin line, bluntly glaring at the small girl before sighing deeply. "good, but please remember, nina. don't interrupt. it's rude."

nini felt her heart drop slightly but she nodded, her eyes moving down to her fuzzy socks as she bit her inner cheek, glancing back up with her smile reappearing as she heard malou speak up once more,

"and also.." malou trailed off as she silently wobbled over to nini, her eyes glazed with uninterest and annoyance. "please put that knife down. you're gonna hurt someone with it."

the brunette felt her smile faltering down before she forced a grin back to her face, placing the metal butter knife onto the counter. "sorry, malou... it won't happen again," nini softly said.

the old lady let out a breath, nodding lightly in acknowledgement as she walked into the dining room, looking through the newspapers while nini quickly served her glass of milk, her toast, and her medication with a small water glass.

once nini served malou's breakfast, she sat outside at the back porch, eating her plate of a plain piece of bread, spread in avocado.

she sighed, looking up at the bright sky with a soft smile before grabbing out her phone. maybe she could at least spend some time with her friends.

 maybe she could at least spend some time with her friends

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