Miss Sparrows Home

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Miss Peregrines POV

Finally it was over Barron was gone and my children were safe but there was one problem we need a place to stay or at least until we are able to get a new loop in our time. The only loop closest to us was Miss Sparrows but I'm not so sure she tends to have the strongest peculiars or they tend to have been neglected by their families quite badly before they came to the home so they might be a bit delicate or quiet.
The home is still quite far away all the way in Wiltshire so they had to get there from Blackpool I have been to Miss Sparrows home twice in my lifetime and each one of those times the children tend to be either lashing out of extremely quiet and unsocial, when I do go to see the familiar yembrane she is always in the same room talking to the same child, she told me the child's name is Maeve and her peculiarity is that she's made of porcelain, she and her brother was in a different home for 73 years but that home tortured many children and Miss Sparrow saved her. Maeve has severe trust issues, severe PTSD and ADHD, she also doesn't talk to anyone she doesn't trust which is only Miss Sparrow, Aris and surprisingly myself so she spends most time in her room alone or with her older brother Aris and Miss Sparrow, she is 146 years old in the body of a 16 year old and her brother is 149 years of age in the body of a 19 year old. Aris has the peculiarity of a puppeteer so whenever someone is rude to his little sister he will make them do things embarrassing I've seen it happen and it was remarkable and a bad thing to do but he wouldn't calm down until Maeve took him to his room to be honest they have very peculiar peculiarities. I have also noticed that Aris has anger issues and only Maeve can calm him down. The children have no idea where we are going but they only hope that it'll be safe for themselves and all the other children.

Hey anyone who is reading this I know this is short but it was sort of a prologue and just to sum things up this is set after the movie (don't hate me cause it's movie based) but Olive and Emma are switched around so Emma has the fire and Olive is as light as air. Also Olive and Enoch aren't together but Olive does have a crush on him anyway I might write another one tonight but maybe not I'll try to publish daily as well. Xx

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