Meet the children

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Maeve POV
"Nonono" I muttered in my sleep. This was a daily occurrence in my life being haunted by the nightmares that was my life before Miss Sparrow found us. As I woke up drenched in a cold sweat I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep not with my memories fresh in my mind, I climbed out of bed and made my way to the door but thought before opening it "Maybe I should just stay in here, Aris doesn't need me to annoy him, not this early in the morning" I flipped on the light for my sketchbook and retreated to the comfort of my bed. Skipping through the pages until I found one empty enough to sketch a little. I really need a new sketch pad but I keep on forgetting that's another thing about me I'm a bit forgetful especially with names I have trouble remembering names but after a few times I start to remember them. As I finished my little sketch I felt my eyes getting heavy as they began to close as much as I didn't want to sleep I let myself get taken into the world of calm slumber.

 As I finished my little sketch I felt my eyes getting heavy as they began to close as much as I didn't want to sleep I let myself get taken into the world of calm slumber

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Aris POV
Ugh. Morning, the thing I hate most. They're so pointless why would you get up early when you can stay in bed and skip breakfast I just don't see the point, but it doesn't matter we have to eat breakfast because it's apparently the most important meal of the day. I also have to wake Maeve up unless she's already awake because of a nightmare or something, she tends to have those regularly. Finally, after I have finished wrestling my duvet I I go into the door on my left, Maeve's room. She's there on her bed fast asleep with the lights on and a pencil laying in her hand and a sketchbook on her stomach, gently I shake her awake speaking calmly in a hushed voice, "Maeve wake up it's time for breakfast." Slowly, she started to wake up at the mention of breakfast, chuckling slightly I helped her get out of bed and onto her feet as we made our way down the stairs and into the dining room. As always, breakfast was filled with the usual happy chatter from the bubbly children.
After breakfast we got changed,

 After breakfast we got changed,

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^Maeve's outfit

^Maeve's outfit

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^Aris' outfit

We were then making our way down stairs when we heard a knock at the door...

Enoch's POV: a little earlier
Finally we're safe no more Barron no more hollows no more wights we're safe. Around a couple of minutes later Miss P came in and rounded up all the children, I suspect she finally knows where we can go before we turn to dust, "Children I have a place we can stay for a while, it is a place called Miss Sparrows home for peculiar children-" she was telling us where and when we were going until I interrupted "-Wait isn't that where all the crazy nut-job peculiars live!" "Mr O'conner polite persons do not interrupt or called people rude names! As I was saying we will be staying there until I am ready to make a new look in our time, Miss Sparrow is a very nice lady her loop is in Wiltshire England in the year 1923, I have been there a couple of times she is a good friend of mine and will definitely help us if we needed it. There is definitely enough space for all of us and more the children there have been through traumatic experiences so I want you all to be kind and not to start unwanted, rude names do you understand?" Her eyes lingering on me more than others, hearing a slight disheartened "Yes Miss", Jake spoke up "I don't get it why are all the children there 'nut-jobs'?" "Jake these children have been through terrible events, worse than you could ever imagine so we thought it would be best for Miss Sparrow to find them and bring them to her home. Now if you must excuse me we need to get going." Well I guess we're going to be living with a load of nut-jobs for a while.

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