Meet the children part 2

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Enoch's POV:
It took us the rest of the day and night to get to Wiltshire without being seen or drawing any attention until we finally made it we trudged exhaustedly to the front door of a spectacular building before we could knock Miss P turned around stating that we must be kind that these people are gladly giving us a place to stay for a while, or at least that's what I thought she said I wasn't really listening I was to busy studying the building it was almost as if I blinked or looked away it would disappear. I was brought out of my trance by our Mistress knocking on the door, we waited for a while until a plump, short woman who looked around the same age as Miss Peregrine answered the door I guessed this was Miss Sparrow. "Alma, are you alright? what are you doing here?" Miss Peregrine put on her usual bright smile and jolly voice and said "Genevieve, lovely to see you so soon from my last visit but I am in need of help, you see my children and I were visited by Mr Barron
and a hollow he took me and tried to hurt my children but now Barron is gone, I believe we should continue in your office but for now may we come in, we have been travelling for some time now to get here." Nodding in understanding she let us into the grand compound "Yes yes of course! CHILDREN!PLEASE MAY YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS WE HAVE VISITORS!" I honestly think I might have been deaf if I was any closer to her, I could start to hear footsteps from I'm guessing upstairs, this is it time to meet the nut-jobs...

Maeve's POV:
We were then making our way down stairs when we heard a knock at the door...

"CHILDREN! COME DOWNSTAIRS WE HAVE VISITORS!" Miss Sparrow's happy voice came from downstairs me and Aris looked at each other visitors, could it be Barron with hollows? No Miss S sounds to happy to have wights that would kill her children here, it might be Miss P but that's odd she tends to come every month and she already came two weeks ago. It felt as if the marble floor was shaking turning our heads we saw a stampede of peculiar children heading towards the stairs where we were quickly jumping out the way I was left untouched by the wild stampede, I wish I could say the same for Aris but unfortunately not letting out a girly scream he tripped of the stairs, fell and started to roll down rack one with a grunt and a thud. All of us racing down the stairs to see my brother's injury, only to see him lying on the floor breathing heavily, "Aris dear are you alright?" Miss S asked clearly concerned, Aris didn't answer instead he stood up breathing heavily and went to push Hardin stating that it was his fault he was pushed down a flight of stairs. Staying on the stairs out of sight I quickly ran downstairs over to my big brother and stopped him from shoving him whispering in his ear to calm down and your better than this, he started to calm down and we stood in line from oldest on the left to youngest on the right. Finally looking up I saw the familiar face of one of the people I trust most Miss P but she wasn't alone she had her children with her why dose she have her children? What happened to her loop? "Children," Miss Sparrow said calmly "Miss Peregrine and her children will be staying her for a while please introduce yourselves." "Hi, I'm Hardin, Hi I'm Zelina,
Caroline, Aris and this is my sister Maeve, my brother stated still slightly angry from the unraveling fight that was about to break out so I gave a small wave and grabbed Aris' hand, Victoria nice to meet you, Charlie- Victoria's twin, Hi I'm Thomas, Conrad, Ambrose, Allison, Pandora but if you'd like to you can call me Pan this is Rowan she's shy,
Hi I'm Clove how long are you staying?, Clove shut up, I'm Finnick please ignore Clove she can't keep her mouth shut, yes I can! Oh sure you can Finnick said in a sarcastic voice. Stopping them from there petty argument Miss Peregrine told her children to introduce themselves as well I found out the 4 oldest were called Emma, Jake, Olive and Enoch, who didn't look like he wanted to be here. Then there is Horace, Millard, Hugh and Fiona. Then the youngest are Bronwyn, Clair and the twins. Clove, Finnick and Rowan showed them around while the rest of us did our own thing. Me and Aris made it to my room I jumped onto my bed and sat down as Aris went over to the punching bag in the corner that's set up for him a couple of minutes later Clove, Finnick and Rowan came by with the new peculiars, Aris walked over to the door and slammed it making me jump I didn't like loud noises and he knew that, they brought back painful memories. When I asked him why he slammed the door he said he didn't like the looks of them, he didn't trust them I don't know whether to like them or not either now they do seem to be hiding something me and my brother are going to find out what it is. I think Aris doesn't like them because they're probably going to ask why I don't speak, Aris knows I'll get upset and he'll get mad and probably start a fight with them. But for now we just have to survive lunch.

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