The survival of lunch

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Once Miss Sparrow called us children down for lunch least to say it was very awkward...

Maeve's POV
"So what are your peculiarities?" asked Hugh I think his name was. "Well I'm a puppeteer my sister is made of porcelain and some other peculiarities which are none of your business,  Hardin can control objects, Zelana can talk to animals, Victoria is super fast as well as Charlie, Caroline can talk to the dead Thomas can sense peculiars, Conrad can manipulate ice, Ambrose is indestructible, Allison can talk to you in your head, Pan can see the future, Rowan can make something appear that isn't there, Clove can turn into anything she wants and Finnick can teleport which is a pain." Aris spoke in all one breath, "What about you guys what are your peculiarities?" Zelena spoke, most of the little children were getting impatient to know what the others peculiarities were. Olive spoke saying all their powers but only one really caught my attention and that was the boy with dark brown hair, how can he be a dead raiser that sounds impossible! One of the other peculiars spoke now I think he said his name was Jake "So Maeve why don't you speak?" "Well I would have to talk to explain that answer wouldn't I!" I said in my head though Ambrose talked for me "Mate she would have to talk to tell you not that it's any of your business." "Thank you Ambrose" I gave him a thankful look which he replied with a nod of his head. After that little conversation it went pretty quiet, Horace the boy with the projector thingy said he could put on one of his dreams which sounded cool, but it wasn't it was boring him and only him buying clothes which was odd but I have to admit he does have good fashion. Miss Sparrow said to get ready for bed and then make it down to the garden at promptly 9:00 for the reset. Our reset is quite scary because in 1920 a lot of murders were taking place, once a couple came into the house and Miss S had to quickly make the loop. After that we went inside and went to bed waiting for the day tomorrow.

Hi guys thanks soooo much for reading this i know I haven't posting in a while but I'm back at school so it's been hectic so I'm sorry I won't post on Friday Saturday or Sunday but I'll try to post every other day anyway bye don't forget to vote. 😘☺️ Also check out another book 'the at Dunkirk'

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