Ch. 10

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[3rd Person's POV Cont..]

Sasha plops herself down on the bed. Kelly's eyes shoot open and he quickly grabs her. She shrieked and tried to get out of his grip which resulted in her falling off the bed. She could hear the boys in the kitchen laughing while Sadé and Alexis rushed over to see if everything was okay.

"Sasha! What happened?!" The girls shouted.

"Shit!" Kelly hissed as he realized what he had done. He quickly jumped out of the bed.

"I so sorry" He said, with concern written all over his face. He reached for her hand and she flinched.

"Hey just take it easy okay. Give her some time" Sadé said while giving him a soft smile while Alexis shot glares at him.

The girls left the room and he didn't know what to do. He really didn't mean to hurt her, that was the last thing he wanted to do.

A few minutes later Kelly went into the kitchen angry and cussing in Italian.

"Tu! L'hai mandata lì sapendo cosa potrebbe succedere? Avrei potuto farle del male!"

(You! You sent her in there knowing what could happen?! I could've hurt her!) Kelly shouted at Lucien.

"Hey it wasn't me this time!" Lucien shot back while putting his hands up in defense. Kelly's head snapped over to Dom and he gritted his teeth together while lowly saying something in Russian, Kelly's Native tongue and Dom's second.

"Идиот. Как мне объяснить ей, почему я так стрелял?" (You idiot. Now how am I supposed to explain to her why I shot up like that?)

Dom didn't like his tone. "Скажи ей, что у тебя просто хорошие инстинкты." (Tell her you just have good instincts.) Dom responded.

It was an accident.

They were both now glaring at each other. Kelly's nostrils were flared, his heart was beating quick and he knew he had to get himself under control before he did something else he knows he's gonna regret.

Lucien and the girls just stood there and watched, still comforting Sasha due to her past with violence. She was still a bit shaken up but she'd be ok.

Although they couldn't understand a word that was said, based on the tones in their voices, they knew it wasn't good.

Kelly and Dom were angry. In a way, Dom set Sasha up. He didn't know she'd react that way though. He just thought she'd get scared and he wanted a good laugh. He was completely unaware of the trauma Sasha's dealt with.

However, the combination of the argument and seeing Dom all riled up like that, It was starting to turn Sadé on and she had to fix herself and clear her throat to regain her focus.

Dom looked up at her and gave her a look that she knew would have her on her knees in front of him. She quickly looked away.

"Never do that again, '' Kelly finished before walking back into the room.

Kelly is the only person Dom allows to speak to him in that tone and it's partially because he knows that Kelly could easily kill him if he wanted to. They are equal on that spectrum.

"Wait. I wanna speak to him" Sasha says slowly getting up. The girls nodded their heads and let her go into the room to speak with Kelly. Normally they wouldn't do that, but for some reason they just knew that Kelly was different from Sasha's ex.

He's definitely crazy, but he's a different type of crazy, if that makes any sense.

"What the hell was that?" Sadé cussed at Dom, who of course just smirked.

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