☆Chapter 7☆

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~Small recap (No POV)~

As the two slept, everything was peaceful. No one was offering them. Then Dream looking for Ink, only to find the two sleeping on opposite ends of the tree.

He thought that it was cute so he took a pictures and left them to sleep. He was so gonna show this to Blue and Geno.

~☆At Ink's house☆~

Geno was sitting on the couch, watching a movie with the four kids. Suddenly Dream and Blueberry ran through the door, scaring all five of them. "Woah! What's going on!?" Geno yelled...

~  T o   B e   C o n t i n u e d  ~

~☆Geno's POV☆~

Out of everything that could have happened today I didn't expect this. Dream and Blue have just ran through the door, giving me and the kids a heart attack.

"Woah! What's going on!?" I shouted. "Geno Come See This!! It's Amazing!!" Blue shouted.

I walked over to Blue and Dream, Dream took out his phone and scrolled through what I believe to be his phone gallery. He pointed the screen at me so I could see it.

It's a picture of Ink and Error sitting on the opposite sides of a tree, sleeping. "Oh my Asgore, that's adorable!!" I squealed.

I felt a tug on my hoodie followed by the voice of Blueprint, "Uncle Geno, what's going on?" He asked, I looked over to see all four of them. "Can they see it?" I asked the two.

Dream and Blue nodded, both still smiling. Dream showed the four the picture. I heard Goth squealing, the other three looked confused.

"Ehm, who's that?" Palette asked pointing at Error. "That's my brother Error, but also PJ's Dad." I stated.

"That's my papa!?" PJ yelled excitedly. I hummed telling him it was true. Then I walked to the kitchen, "I'm going to make some dinner. Dream, Blue if you want you can stay." I called behind me.

~☆No POV☆~

Ink and Error both slept peacefully, Error started to wake up. His vision still blurred from tiredness.

He rubbed his eye sockets to clear his vision and looked around, forgetting what had happened a few hours before.

As his memories came back from a while before, Ink began to stir.

~☆Error's POV☆~

I remember falling asleep a bit ago.. dunno how long but oh well. I remember that Ink was also here and looked towards him. He was beginning to wake up.

"MorNIng SLEepy HEaD." I said. Causing him to Immediately jump up from his resting spot.

"Jeez, Error! You scared me!" He half yelled. His eyes were two cyan exclamation marks. They quickly merged into a light green square and a orange swirl.

"What's going on?" He asked. "Y-yOu FeLl ASLeep sO I BrouGht YOu to ThIs Tr-EE, anD enDEd up ALSo FalLinG ASleEp." I said, blushing a light yellow hue. "Ohhhh" he said.

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