☆Chapter 18☆

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~Geno's POV》~

I have no idea what just happened there. Ink looks exhausted. Error look slightly concerned. Dream is looking at me.

Cross is no longer in a closing portal, and Reaper is just drinking his coffee in the kitchen, starring at everyone in the dining room. All while the kids are finishing their movie.

I gave Dream the painkillers and walked over to Reaper. "What should we have for breakfast?" I asked, walking to the fridge. "Hmmm.. Pancakes go best with coffee." He said, hovering after me.

"Okay, can you grab me the vanilla extract, flour, baking powder, and salt please? Oh! and the vegetable oil." I asked, grabbing the eggs and milk from the fridge, closing it right after.

Ink came to help instead, because Reaper doesn't know where anything is.

I grabbed two mixing bowls, and gave the bigger one to Ink so he could mix together the main mix. First he was grabbing the plates, silverware and grabbed the frying pans.

I then cracked two small eggs into my bowl, I also put in, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, and one cup of milk. As I was mixing, I looked over to Ink, he was just starting to add the ingredients.

He put in a cup of flour, 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, and 2 teaspoons baking powder, then mixed it together.

Once he had finished, he gave me the mixture and I added mine to it, then mixed it together as he grabbed the fruits and whipped cream.

A few minutes have past, and I was placing the pancakes into the pans. 'Oh my Asgore, they smell delicious!' I thought smiling as I flipped them over.

Once they were finished, I let Ink put them on the plates and bring them to the table, Reaper helped as well. As they did that I gabbed a coffee.

~《Error's POV》~

I heard that the food was ready, so I went to get the kids. They're watching 'The Mitchells vs. The Machines'. Looks interesting, I'll watch it later.

"K-k-kiDs, CoME e-EAt." I said. They all turned around to look at me. Palette paused the movie as the rest of them walked over to the dining room. I waited for Palette, and followed him back into the dining room.

After that, while everyone else sat down, I helped Ink bring the plates to the table, so did Reaper.

Once everyone had their plates, me and the other two sat down. "S-so WHat HaPPeNed aT DreAm'S pLAce?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"I was attacked by 'Infected', that's what Palette said his name was, and by the time Cross got into my room, I passed out." Dream said;

"Then I called Cross, he needed help with Dream's injuries, so me, Palette and Geno went to help." Ink continued.

"Then I went upstairs to get ma' a cloth, because he needed to clean mom's injury. That's when Infected attacked me." Palette continued, pointing at his eye. 

Ink spoke again, "I heard the commotion and Cross told me that Infected never left, so I rushed up to see what was going on. Then I caught Infected with blue magic."

Now was Geno's turn. "When Ink came back, we had finished healing Dream, so he asked me and Cross to watch Infected as he healed Palette's eye.

But I passed out, from lack of magic and exhaustion." Palette finished, "Then Infected escaped, and we came home."

"What does Infected look like?" Reaper asked. Dream was the first to answer. 

"He had a hole in his skull, similar to Horror, as well as a patch of.. fabric I think..-

-The eye socket closest to the patch was pure white, while the other was just black." He paused for a second, looking at the others for a bit of help, to which Geno continued for him.

"He also had a slash wound, similar to mine. Oh! and he wears the same clothes as Horror, except for his slippers, instead they were red and white running shoes, same with his axe, it looked odd."

My eye sockets widened "T-thAT's thE GUy whO atT-ACkeD Me aNd P-p-pApErJAm!" I said, glitching a lot more than I expected.

They all looked over to me. "Really!? That means he's targeting Blue and us," Ink motioned to the kids, himself, Dream and me before continuing.

"But-" Dream cut him off before he could continue, "If that's the case, we left Paper in the least secured AU in the Multiverse!" 

I jumped up and opened a portal to Siencetale, completely forgetting about the breakfast.

I ran in, Ink and Reaper right behind me, Geno stayed to prevent Dream or the kids from following.

~ Meanwhile (Paperjam's POV) ~

I woke up to a bunch of yelling outside of my room. I got out of bed and saw that Soy was still here, 'Why haven't  they gone home yet?' I thought. They were sleeping, but they were still wearing their 'normal attire'.

I carefully got up and went over to their bed. I shook them until they woke up.

"Paperjam?" They said, blinking a few times. "Wh..y.. y..u..... s..i..l... he....re...?" I asked. It hurt, but I can manage.

"What am I doing here..? Oh! Sci said something about a 'Genoside run', so papa  sent me back for another few days. But my sibling will be here to get me at 3." They answered, then we heard a loud scream.

Soy jumped out of their bed. They grabbed my arm and ran to the door.

They peeked out and opened the door. Soy then pulled me out of the room and quietly closed the door behind us.

They pulled me down the hallway, we ran into a very panicked Science. "You two! You need to hide! Come with me." He said running in the direction we were going.

We ran after him. He lead us to this other room. The only sounds heard could be the screaming of monsters, before the sound of them dusting. I could feel tears pricking the corners of my eye sockets.

He closed the door and we sat down. "Wh..a..s.. ..ap..en..ing..?" I asked, flinching from pain. 

"An unknown Sans AU is attacking the hospital wing of the lab. All the other scientists and doctors are trying to stop them, even though I've tried to tell them not to." He answered.

~《 T o   B e   C o n t i n u e d 》~

☆《Word count & A/N》☆
~《1091 Words》~


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