Chapter 1

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  Celestia galloped to the council hall.  It was an emergency! Luna chased, hot in pursuit.  Equestria never rested during these dark times.  She was glad she had her sister as both company and comfort.
She lifted into the sky with the help of her glorious, massive feathered wings. Her creamy coat glistened in the setting sun. Luna followed, but with indigo, skimpier ones.
They entered the hall together after a few minutes of constant flying.
"We're here!" Celestia gushed, out of breath. "What is the dire situation?"
"Griffonstone." A unicorn scribe groaned, levitating a scroll and quill with his amber colored magic that flowed from his curved horn.
King Gil pounded the council table with a claw. His eagle wings flared as he roared like an enraged lion at the other members of the Celestian Council.
"The earth ponies have NOT been doing their share in growing us food!" He seethed at the two sisters as they found their special seats at an elevated position at the council table.
"Please sir, the earth ponies had a great drought this year. All of the pegasuses caught the feather flu, prohibiting them to control the weather and bring plentiful water to the land!" Celestia frantically explained.
Luna secretly fumed. Why did her sister always have to shine the way she did? She had a council named after her and everything! It just wasn't fair! Everypony shunned and slept through her beautiful night while they played and danced throughout the day, which was of course owned by her sister!
Gil continued.
"Keep this up, and you've got yourself a full-scale WAR!"
The eyes of everyone in the room became as wide as saucers.
"S-sire, let's not be rash! They count for 30% of our trade stocks! You don't want a war with the Equestrians. Think of the hatchlings!" Gil's adviser reasoned.
This made Gil's wings droop.
"I apologize for my rashness, Princess. Forgive me, if you may." The griffin said, head hung on his feathered shoulders.
"That's quite all right, thank you!" Celestia remarked. "You may go. Council adjourned."
With that, Gil, his adviser, and his entourage took to the skies, leaving a mess of feathers drifting to the ground, as if someone had ripped pillows by the thousands.
The unicorn scribe finished scribbling his notes and left for the castle archives.
"Oh, my, now that will be quite the mess the maids will have to tangle with," he chuckled to himself as he trotted away.
Luna felt like wetting the ground with her royal spittle. Celestia, Celestia, Celestia! Always her! No one would talk about Luna, not even the birds in the trees! She angrily trotted after her sister and then began to flap to the castle.
The unicorn scribe hid in an alley and began his transformation. His back legs elongated, and his horn copied itself into two twin ones. His magical amber essence remained, though. His eyes changed from violet to dark red, their pupils dilating. His horselike neigh turned into the bleating of a sheep. Or rather, a goat.
"This is interesting." He baaed, observing the two sisters on their voyage to the castle in the center of the city known as Canterlot. "Little Luna loathes her sister. Well I can change THAT in an instant!" His evil cackle filled the dark alley, relishing as a devious plan hatched in his cunning mind.

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