Chapter 2

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  Celestia lowered the weary sun, while in turn, Luna lifted the moon.  Her keen ears could hear the little ponies yawning as one, preparing to retire to bed. 
  Rage boiled inside her envious heart.  When would her sister's endless reign terminate?  When?! 
  Celestia groggily uttered good night and lazily flew to bed.  Luna stared her off, coveting her rich night's sleep.  The indigo alicorn would soon need to enter the dream realm to police pony dreams.  The time was nigh. 
  She often took naps while her sister patrolled during the day.  At least she was merciful in that field.  Luna's long horn glowed with cerulean magic, and the corridor around her dissolved.  It was replaced by light of violet.  Little dream bubbles displayed the dreams of ponies all around Equestria.        
  They were like miniature television screens.  She sighed.  This would be yet another long night of fighting nightmares.  She saw a purple female pegasus cower in fear from a demon in a dream bubble, and she raced to help her.  The was the first of many.  She just wished Celestia would appreciate her hard work.  Just once would suffice! 

  Morning came seemingly in a matter of minutes.  The dream realm dissipated, and Canterlot reappeared.  Luna had bags upon bags on her squinted eyes.  She moped to bed for her morning nap. 
  "Good morning!" Celestia chirped as she skipped down the corridor for breakfast, passing Luna.  The young alicorn just moaned, at the brink of collapsing from exhaustion.  She finally entered her room and fell in a heap onto her silkened bed.  A blue canopy coated it from above.  The structure was shaped like a crescent moon.  There, alone, Luna let her hooves still.  Suddenly, Celestia came to the threshold of her door, munching loudly.
  "HEY, SIS!" She bellowed, acting unladylike.  "WANNA—" before she could say more, Luna blasted her with a force field, shielding the room from her rude sister. 
  "Never mind!" She finished, flapping, clearly offended, to the throne room.

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