Chapter 6

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Only Celestia galloped toward the fallen sweet spire to aid Luna. 
  "SISTER! Are you well?!" She frantically asked, panicked. 
  A groggy figure slowly rose from the crimson icing, groaning and moaning like a pony risen from beyond the grave.  The room breathed a sigh of relief; a catastrophe had been narrowly averted. 
  Celestia ran to embrace her, only to be stopped by a blue hoof. 
  "No more will I trust you.  I never had!  NEVER!" Luna uttered, reaching a deafening crescendo that sent a rippling sonic wave throughout the ballroom.  Attendees covered their ears as their hair streamed behind them.  In the meantime, Luna's voice and heart broke at the same time.  She then sped into a gallop, and it was all she could do to hold back a flood of tears.  She felt as if she could cry a river.  The crowd parted with alarmed eyes as Luna raced through their still sea.
  She burst through the clasped doors, out into the vast gardens beyond.  Celestia was left standing alone in what had been the dancing circle, wondering what had gone wrong in her perfect planning.  A traitor, she seethed.  An imposter was among them.

  Luna ran deep into the gardens, past the few stray guests that dwelled there.  They stared in shock as their curious eyes followed the alicorn.  She went on and on, finally stopping at a transparent lake.  There she collapsed to the ground and sobbed, shoulders shaking from their power. Time slowed. The stars and moon blurred. She cried for what seemed like days.
A raspy voice cut through the hedges before her.
"Poor princess," it teased, sickeningly sweet with false sympathy. "Eclipsed by her big, bad sister."
Luna's head snapped up, now alert. She dried her tears as she glanced around. 
  "WHO'S THERE?" She barked ferociously. 
  A large blue goat with curved, twisted horns stepped out from the shrubs, crimson eyes glimmering.  Luna gasped.
"I'm Grogar. I see you're stuck in a sticky situation, young mare." He noted her gooey coat, matted with cake batter. The alicorn wasn't amused.
  "I am." Luna said simply.
  She began to walk away.
  "I have something that will help you outshine Celestia..." he sang, a lilting twitter after her.
Luna's wandering gaze snapped back to Grogar, attention rapt.
"What do you mean?"
"I'll show you."
His horns ignited with yellow magic, taking the form of a full moon.
"Tonight, I shall make my greatest creation." He paused for dramatic effect, his moon changing form, into an alicorn. Its wings spread majestically.

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