Slap in the face

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" And when they give ya they shoulders, never cry on 'em, And when they love you to death, never die on 'em."

Rihanna took a breath and felt like maybe now was the time to try.

Rihanna:" Nic I have to tell you something.. I'm pregnant"

Nicki's eyes widened as she placed her spoon in her pot. She slowly made eye contact with her in the hopes to seeing Rihanna being playful, but Nicki was sadly disappointed when Rih's eyes seemed to hold a flicker of hope and happiness. Nicki breathed out and simply congratulated her focusing herself back into her ice cream.

Rihanna:" that's it? THAT'S IT?"*she demanded*
Rihanna: *tears forming in her eyes*" To be happy for me."

Nicki rolled her eyes and co tinier eating. Roman was most definitely kicking in and being selfish was her main priority. She wasn't sure if she envied Rih for this blessing or if she was just angry at God for not blessing her with the very same happiness.

Nicki was deep in her thoughts, once again comparing her life to Rihanna trying to understand where she went wrong and what she needed to do to find that love, that happiness. Acknowledging Rihanna's intense stare, Nicki came back to reality and got rid of her rubbish and they made their way back to the car. On their way back Nicki had taken a final decision. She was done playing nice. Not one single word was spoken the between the two even when they got back home.

Nicki walked up to her room and made her suitcase, ready to leave this country and get back to more pressing issues. Grabbing her phone she bargained for the next flight that she could be in time for, which was in the afternoon, and hanged up. Once she was able to finish packing she made her way down with her suitcases.

Rihanna:" Nicki? Where you goi- with suitcases?" *she asked confused*
Nicki:" oh my goodness Rihanna can you stop. I'm leaving" *she said annoyed*
Rihanna:" But our holiday together was for a week."
Nicki:" Spend it with your husband."
Rihanna started to cry:" Nic... You..You cacan't do.. this...t-" *she couldn't finish her sentence as the cries took over*

Taking a breath to calm herself she was about to go comfort Rih when Drake and Chris appeared walking towards them.

Rihanna:" why? *she said between sobs* How did we get here?"

Feeling a little ashamed in front of the other two who were clearly already judging a situation they knew nothing about she put up a front.

Nicki:" I don't know. We grew up... changed. Bye."

She turned back to her suitcases and pulled it along opening the door under the broken hearted cries of Rihanna. She turned around to shut the door carefully when she saw the frame of Drake standing by the door, disgust written all over his face as he slammed the door in her face. A lonesome tear ran down her face which she quickly wiped and left making her way to the taxi she had phoned.

Nicki's anger was deep rooted and the life she lived only helped her to express it through violence, but being around Rihanna and her happiness made Nic realise how much she wanted that. How much she longed for a man to love her the way Chris did, the way they joked about and shared affection.

Finally at home after hours on plane, she placed her suitcases in the front hallway and walked into the living room.

Siya:" BAE"
Nicki giggled:" oh someone missed me" *she teased*
Siya:" Actually..." *she carried on the teasing*
Nicki:" fuck you" *she laughed*

She grabbed Siya and jumped on her hugging her tight which Siya reciprocated. Once she got off her she greeted the rest and finally saw Maliah having a conversation with her two friends. When they made eye contact they both gave each other dirty looks, until Nicki broke their trance and made her way upstairs to get changed.

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