Funny how the world goes

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"The girl of your dreams for me is probably not a challenge." -Drake. Meek Mill feat Drake R.I.C.O.

The continuation of the last chapter:
When the working day had come to an end Sandi and Rae had persisted for Nicki to accept their invitation to their house. With a little hesitation Nicki wasn't sure at first but the adamant nature of Sandi convinced her otherwise. Sandi was frail but to Nicki she seemed like a small woman with a big heart. A heart that could have only been blessed by God himself. 

Nicki awaited for them to lock up the shop before entering her car and unlocking the passenger sides for them to hop in. After ten minutes of directing her they arrived in Scarborough and Nicki parked in front of the building where a group of young men, boys from the block surrounded the passage way.

When the women walked by the young men quietened down and kept their head down. Nicki summed it up as them being respectful to Sandi because if it was only Rae and her who would had passed by she knew full well the disrespectful remarks that would be flying left right and centre.

Once Sandi had unlocked the entrance door the boys greeted them to which they replied and walked in. They walked towards the lift and mounted on once it had pinged signifying it's arrival and got off on the sixth floor.

When Nicki followed Rae into the living room the first thing Nicki did was admire how modern and clean the place looked, it had a family American but uniquely middle eastern vibe.

Sandi ushered Nicki to sit on one of the couches while she quickly made her way to the kitchen to make tea and grab a few packets of biscuits in the biscuit jar. Once the tea and snacks were prepared they sat around the coffee table and got to know each other. It was like Sandi had adopted Nicki right in. She had Nicki calling her 'mama' or 'mom'. And Rae had likened to Nicki fairly quickly. In fact they shared a bond to which Rae had admitted her real name was Stephanie. Nicki felt like she belonged.

The time had come to ten in the evening and Nicki had felt like it was time for her to go. "Well... I think I should start leaving now." She lingered. " Where you going?" Sandi asked furrowing her brows and pouting a little as she crossed her arms over her chest lightly. "With all the snow? No no no please I insist, stay. The snow will make you fall and hurt yourself" She argued making Nicki stifle a little laughter. Sandi was so caring and nurturing.

"You wouldn't want to hurt your ass now would you. As round as it is I doubt it's bouncy to protect you from the fall." Nicki widened her eyes as her cheeks grew red while Rae bursted out of laughter nearly suffocating herself. Nicki was caught off guard by Rae's comment she wouldn't have thought she would say something like that in front of her mom. Sandi saw Nicki's discomfort and offered her a warming smile. "Don't worry sweetheart. We're all woman in this house. Flaunt what you got." Nicki let out her laughter which ended up being a small chuckle.

With that being said Nicki agreed to stay the night. Borrowing one of Rae's pyjamas Rae and her set up blankets and duvets on the floor and added pillows surrounding their little layer. Mama Sandi left them wishing them a goodnight and switched off the light in the living room, she had excused herself with the excuse of having to wake up early the next morning to work at the bakery. Rae turned on their first movie of the night. Robocops.

They watched movie upon movie and as time passed by, their eye lids grew heavy and sleep conquered the interest of what was happening on T.V.

Nicki was awoken softly by Rae's light taps on her arm. She peaked one eye open first and then the other once she recognised her whereabouts. "Babe. Um sorry to wake you so early but me and mama are going to do the shacharit, it's the morning prayer in Judaism." She was about to continue when she stopped and furrowed her brows. "Come." She smiled "Let me teach you."

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