Chapter 4: Blood

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"Now. Lets start with your name." Athanasia said while looking the little girl in the eyes.

The little girl was hesitant but looked up too Athanasia with her big white eyes.

"I . . . I don't have one. Sorry" The little girl said as she hung her head low in shame.

Athanasia frowns.
"What are you sorry for? Don't be sorry for somthing you cannot control." Athanasia said.

Athanasia looked at the young girls eyes that were filled with tears threatening to pour out. Athanasia sees that her the little girls eyes were slightly glistening, like stars.

Athanasia sighed.
"From now on your name shall be Estelle." Athanasia said as she set the child back on the bed and stood up.

"Hannah and Ces will be your personal Nannies." Athanasia said as she walks out the door.
"Oh! I hadn't introduced myself. How rude of me." Athanasia turns back around to the little girl and grins.

"My name is Athanasia. And you better not disappoint me." Was all she said as she just walked out the room. Leaving the young girl that she named Estelle blankly staring at the door.

Athanasia walked back to her room but was once again stopped by Lily.
"What is it now Lily?" Athanasia said in a irritated tone.

Lily frowns knowing that her Athy isn't really going to like the news she has.
"His majesty has requested your presence."

Athanasia glanced to Lily who had her eyes fixed on the floor. Athanasia could feel her blood boil at the thought of the man.
"Why? We had tea yesterday. That should be enough." Athanasia crossed her arms.

"Y-yes but. He said that is was urgent. He mentioned that it was about the new job you have taken on."

Now that cought Athanasia's attention. Athanasia smirked.
"I see. . . Ok"

Claude looks at the blonde child in front of him with a unreadable look. He had finally heard of what Athanasia did. But he didn't ask Athanasia here for that.


"There was a spy that was cought snooping in my office. I want you to get as much information out of him as you can.
Filex looked at Claude as if he had gone mad.

Flixe looked to Athanasia and was shocked too see that she had a grin on her face.
"Oh? So I can do anything to this person as long as they are alive, am I right?"

Athanasia crossed her arms while slightly tilting her head. Claude nods as he took a sip from his tea.

"Ok." Athanasia stood from her seat.
"Sir Robane, please take me to where this spy is." Claude looked up too Athanasia with a confused look.
"You are going now?" He questioned.

Athanasia glanced to Claude then looked back to the ground to avoid his eyes.
"Yes. Im sure his majesty prefers to spend time with his daughter instead of me, don't you think?" Athanasia said while walking to Filex who glanced between Athanasia and Claude.

"Blessing and glory to the sun of Obila." Athanasia said as she grabbed Filex's arm and smiled up too him.
"Are you gonna take me to them or what?"

Filex nods as he slightly blushed at the sudden contact.

Claude watched as the ywo walked off. Ge felt a sudden head ache apper. And for a second. Just a second he saw the one person he wanted to forget.

"Dame it."

Athanasia was taken to a dungeon and she could see multiple weapons on the wall and some dried blood on the wall on floor.

Athanasia looks uo ahead and sees someone chaind up.
"Oh my what do we have here"

"Ha~ Filex you may leave. This is going to get messy." Athanasia said while taking a a small blade off the wall.

"Felix." Athanasia cut the red head off and walked close to him. Athanasia reached out to the Knights head and gently broght him down to her hight and making their foreheads touch.

"I know that you still see me in a bright light. If you still want to see me in that light, I advise you to leave." Athanasia whispered those chilling words in his ear and let him go while walking to the cell.

"Tell Claude that this will take awhile so I might be coming to his office tonight." Athanasia said while Filex fast walked out.

Athanasia opened the cell and closed it.
"Now. I'm going to ask you a question and for each one you answer I'll give you a pat on the head. If you refuse to answer then im going to cut off a finger."

Athanasia said bluntly but had a smile on her face.

The woman frowns deeply and spits at Athanasia feet.
"Go to hell!"

Athanasia sighed.
"Honey I was born there."

"Ok. Question number 1, what were you doing snooping around my old man's office?"

The woman scoffed and turned her head away from the young child. Athanasia felt a smile creep up her lips.
"Hehehee, I'm going to enjoy this. But you're not going too."

Athanasia would ask the spy a question and if the spy wouldn't give her an answer she would slowly cut a finger off of them.

Athanasia enjoyed every moment of this. The screaming and the way the blood would just splatter on her face. It was satisfying feeling when the blood would just leak out on the floor.

Athanasia did get a few questions answered and she was not disappointed by the answers she received.

"Ha. . . ha. .ha" The woman was on the floor out of breath.
"One more question. And you better answer truthfully~"

Thr woman shivered at the young girls voice. It was ice cold and sounded like the most sadistic voice she has ever heard.

"Do you have anyone you love?"


Claude was in his office with Filex by his side. It has been hours and he was getting impatient with Athanasia.

Suddenly the door was banged open. To Claude and Filex's suprise they see a blood covered Athanasia with a grin on her bloody face.

"Sorry it took awhile. But I got some interesting news to tell his majesty." Athanasia said with a sighed as she whips the blood that was on her hand onto her dress.

"Princess. D- err. . . did you. . .?" Filex strutted. He was mostly focused on the blood that was on the young girl. Athanasia sighed.
"Don't worry Filex I didn't kill her, not yet at least."

Filex flinched and hung his head down with a sad face. Claude glanced to Athanasia's bloody hair. The hair that reminded him so much of that woman.

"Filex how about you take a seat. Because what I am about to tell the two of you is a little shocking."

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