Chapter 9: My daughter

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(I know y'all were waiting for this one)

Athanasia and Cassim sit next to each other while Jeanette sat near Claude.
Estelle was on Athanasia's lap.

"So, is there a reason why the first prince of Nickill, is doing in my empire without any notice before hand?" Claude asked as he sipped his tea. Jeanette watched in excitement as she wanted to know why such a handsome man was here.

"Oh well, I wanted to you about a serious matter, but I don't think this is something the princesses should be hearing" Case I'm said with a smile. Athanasia frowns as she glanced to Cassim.

Athanasia just sighed and stroked Estelle's hair. Claude looked down to the black haired child on Athanasia's lap
"And what is that?" Claude asked. But the way he said it caused Athanasia to want to flip this table over and hit the man with a tea pot.

But she restrained herself as she gave Claude a angry smile
"This is Estelle, my daughter"

". . . Eh?"

"S-surly sister, your joking right?" Jeanette spoke nervously.

"Why would I joke on such a thing? She's my daughter and no one else is going to tell me otherwise" Athanasia said as she drank her tea.

Felix and Cassim were sweating builts, for different reasons of course.
Felix was worried on what Claude was going to do to Athanasia and Estelle while Cassim was worried that mentioning that he wanted to go pee was a bad timing.

"Your 16, that thing looks 5 or 6. Your telling me you had that child at-"

"And why exactly would you care, Claude" Athanasia had cut Claude off with her words. Jeanette gasped and turned to her father who was ready to kill.

And Athanasia was not afraid to do the fuckin same. Estelle was scared. She has never seen this side of her Mama.
She didn't like this side, it was scary.

"You said it yourself. You don't care what I do with my life." Athanasia said as she went back to caressing Estelle's hair. Calming the both of them down as Claude flinched slightly at her words.

"And as far as I'm concerned, Estelle is my life." Those unexpected words had slightly shocked everyone as Athanasia's cold aura became warm and slightly bright. All because of a child.

"So if you have a problem with that, go fuck yourself-"
Jk jk. She didn't say that.

"If you'll excuse me. It's my daughters nap time. Blessings and glory on the sun and star of Obiela(Idk)" Athanasia bowed her head and got up and left with Estelle.

"Oh and your majesty." Claude was snapped out of his thoughts that was trying to identify this overwhelming pain in his chest and looked up to see Athanasia's eyes glowing like last time.

But this time, it sent a chill down his spine.

"You call my daughter a thing again. I won't hesitate to treat your daughter the same way" She said. Her words rolling off her tongue so easily. Like she had been practicing this her whole life.

"Mama, when is papa coming back. . . I miss him" Estelle whispered as Athanasia cuddles with her.

Athanasia sighed
"I. . . Miss him too, I guess" Athanasia said as she cringed at her words. She loved Lucas, she really did. It just, she wanted to punch his face so badly at times.

"Mama?" Estelle spoke again.

"Yes darling?"

"I love you" Estelle whispered with a small smile. Athanasia froze.
She could feel her heart throbbing in, pain? She didn't know what this feeling was.

It had to be love, for sure. Because that's what she feels twords Estelle. Even if she was just gonna use her at first.

Athanasia's lips form in a small smile
"I love you too"

Lucas watched as both of his girls fell asleep. He sighed, wondering if he should drop by.

Shivers ran down his spine rembering how Athy still wanted to kill him for not keeping his word.
"Yeah, maybe on Stars birthday. Yeah that sounds good. She won't cause a scene on such an important day"
Lucas laughed at his foolishness.

"Who am I kidding. She'll drag me in a room and kill me there" The immortal wizard said with a sigh.

Ayo, sorry it's short. Tell me what you guys want or would like to see in the future chapters and I'll see what I can do. P. S Cassim is an OC for those who kept questioning who he was.

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