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Wait? Why does his voice sound so NON-MELODIOUS? I quickly check my phone only to find out it was Hyunjin and not Jaehyun. Oh! Lord! I should have checked it before picking it up.


"Why? Were you expecting someone else?"

"Huh? N-No, I mean for a second I thought it was Umm- SERA!--My friend!!!"

"Ohh! Well, I just wanted to talk to you, so I called. Hope I am not disturbing you?"

"No-No, Not at all!"


💬You Better do as I say!

Do not go there!💬

💬Do not do that!

Akina! Don't check my patience💬

At first, I thought they were a couple of wrong messages. Then they become too frequent and now, they have become frustrating. It is as if, there is a psychotic lover out there. As of now, nothing major has happened, it is more like empty threats.

Blocking has become useless because there is always a message from a new number.

"Your order Ma'am?"

There are a lot of customers in the café today but I'm unable to concentrate.

"Your order ma'a--"

"Hiiii! Your phone wasn't reachable so, I came over with some news!"


"Woahhhh! Seriously?"

"Yes isn't it amazing?? It's going to be totally awesome." Eiya exclaims while almost jumping off her seat.

"Wow! It's going to be my first trip to Paris!!!"

"Me too"

Paris! The city of Love! Well, Love my foot! because it never exists. It is all a delusion. What excites me more here, is that this trip might finally take me away from the chaos that's happening here. Even though it is an official trip, it would be relaxing than the stalkings happening here.

"Ok! Ling will also brief you about it." Eiya collects her bag and takes her leave.

I have to quickly go home and freshen up. I also have to begin packing. Oh My God! Who doesn't love a free trip? Sera needs to knowww!!!



"Woahhh! You called me for the first time? Are you ok? Do you need help? Is everything--"

"Shut up! Just keep quite. Do I call you only when necessary?"

"Well! You said it yourself girl!"

Ok! She might be right! 😂

"Guess! What?"

Flower Of Autumn (NCT JAEHYUN) ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now