49| Orphanage...

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His words hit me like an arrow. Hold it together Aki! Even after all this, you can't trust him anymore but if our friendship and bond was true then. "I wish we remained besties from the start Hyunjin. I wish we had a normal life to brag about and memories we created as friends and not rivals but it would be foolish of me to trust you from now on so, good luck with your revenge plan Park Jin Soo."

I walked away. I am anyways going to stop making things more complicated for me than they already are.

"Akiii!" Before even entering the orphanage Jaehyun planted a kiss on my lips and began giving pep talk. How do I tell him about everything when I know he would go away from me? That same instant I take him into a tight hug because I am scared maybe I won't get to hug him once I tell him the truth!

"Hey!!! You ok?" 

He's worried about me? When I'm worried about his reaction and the breakdown he'd have to go through.

"Jaehyunnieee! I love you ok?"

"Umm..I love you too but what happened to the 'LOVE IS A CURSED WORD?'"

"It's an emotion Jae! and emotions can't be cursed."

"Wow! You're a fast learner."

I had to tell him right now or else the affection he's showing me? I might get lost in it and would never want to come out of it!

"Listen...Jae! I have to tell you something---"

"Noona! Guests are here quick! They're waiting for you!" Haechan swiftly pulls me away, right when I gathered courage to tell Jaehyun.

I guess I'll have to tell him after the inauguration.

I went on the stage because I had a speech to deliver. Shockingly Kang Ra had agreed to become an investor and I already had lists of kids wanting to transfer here. Everything was perfect like a dream. Maybe this is why it was reality and not a dream because I was going to do something none of my close friends would have thought. I had to do it because Hyunjin was threatening me to. How I wished I told Jaehyun about all this earlier.

One more thing that I realized is that when I was in Paris, Jaehyun had asked why I hide things from him and he feared it might cause a misunderstanding between us. This is the same fear I faced today.

"Good evening! Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Ahn Ki Na the founder of Rainbow Smiles Orphanage!......."

The speech went on for a long time and people applauded and cheered and throughout, Jaehyun was standing with a smile and was cheering me with every bit. I totally felt blessed but for how long?

".....Lastly, I would like to conclude by saying that, I am the founder and this is my partner Mr. Park Jin Soo."

Yes, I finally did what Hyunjin asked me to do. He wanted to have a partnership in my orphanage and I gave that to him with a promise that he'll leave the people I care, alone.

He would Hand over the papers to me tomorrow and O would sign them.

Jaehyun had a blank look on! Instead of Hyunjin I said Park Jin Soo, hoping he would understand what's going on here and I guess I was right! Jaehyun was shocked as he watched Hyunjin climb up the stage. 

Hyunjin was about to reach the podium when the projector behind me suddenly started paying and there was a video that played...


"I came here, Miss Ahn Ki Na, to take back what's mine. That land was mine, that factory will also be mine and not yours. I would have harmed you years ago only If your dad didn't put that bloody rule of giving your land to the government if you died before 22 only to save you from what he did to your boyfriend's older brother."

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