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I can't really picture Jaehyun being at war with anyone especially his brother. He always seems like that calm and composed person.

"You probably know him"

What? I know his brother?

"Who is it?"

"I'll introduce you to him when the time comes."

When the time comes? and when will Mr Time come?

Anyhow, I think it was a sensitive topic. Asking him would mean shutting him away from me even more.

"Umm...what happened to you on Halloween day?"

There was silence in the air, again.

"No, I mean you should have told us that you were scared of ghosts!"

"Gho--?? You thought I was scared of ghosts?"


"I'm not scared of ghosts, I just--" he takes a deep breath, "Bare Truth??"

"Huh? Bare truth..."

"I'm Nyctophobic!"


"I'm scared of the darkness!"

Scared of darkness, I didn't know that.

"Ohh!.. I'm I'm sorry!"

He chuckles! " why are you sorry? It has nothing to do with you!"

Yeah, it has nothing to do with me but still, I understand how stressful a phobia can be.

"Why did you come into the horror house?"

"Actually my treatment so far has helped me overcome it, but not completely. Which means I get panic attacks in the dark but not always. They scare me less now and I will fight it until they stop scaring me."

I was so lost in my grief that I never realized that I'm not the only one in pain. Every time I cursed my destiny for being cruel towards me but everyone has something cruel in their life too.

"That day when you called? I couldn't pick up because I was in between my checkup."

"Oh! Ohh...k"

He had gone for a checkup? Oh lord! what an all I was thinking!

It's tough for me to process so much but sympathy is something I know how to give and I won't think twice before showing it.

I walk over to him and rub his back, I could see how hard he tried to hide his tears.

He needed to know that being vulnerable in front of those who care doesn't make you weak.

It took him less than a minute to go back to his calm and composed self.

"It's done let's eat!"

Woah? He's quick!

He places the dishes on the table and damnn it! They all looked like they were ordered from a restaurant.

"Hmmm! It's amazing!"

"This is what you call lunch, my dear!"

I've never had such delicious home-cooked food ever in my life.

"So? Are you scared of Ghosts?" He asked.

"Ghosts !?! The world we live in is scarier than them...and if I'm scared of anything it is to be alone in this horror-struck world!" I reply.

Flower Of Autumn (NCT JAEHYUN) ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now