Chapter 29

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10 years later

Emily POV:
"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Asher exclaims over and over again.

"Asher! You are 12 years old! You can get your own water!" Shay yells at him.

Asher and Whitney are 12 years old, and Shay is 14.

We also have 3 other kids that I carried.

Their names are Michael, Emerson, and Charlotte. They are 1 year old, and the happiest babies in Pennsylvania.
I would say in the world, but some babies have parents that are celebrities. They get everything.

"Good morning, everyone!" Alison exclaims as she struts her way downstairs.

"She lives!" Whitney exclaims.

I still can't believe we're only 32 years old, and have 6 kids.

"Ha-ha. Very funny." Alison says in a sarcastic tone.

"Saturday! My favorite!" Asher says in a sing-song voice and twirls around.

"You're silly." I laugh, and ruffle is perfectly placed hair.

"Mom! The hair!" He exclaims, and fixes it with his hands.

"You're stupid." Shay says as she walks out of the kitchen.

"Shay! Get back here!" Alison shouts.

"What?" Shay sighs as she walks back into the kitchen. Just like Alison.

"Be nice and say sorry." Alison demands her.

"Sorry." Shay tells Asher in a totally not convincing tone.

I continue typing on my computer trying to finish this stupid essay.

I go to Hollis and I play basketball and I'm also a swim coach.

I hear crying from upstairs, which indicates the triplets are awake.

Asher runs up the long staircase, and into their room.

"I love that boy." I sigh, and Whitney pops her head in front of the laptop and looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

"I mean because he went to go get the babies, and you didn't." I say, and she takes off upstairs like lightning.

Alison POV:
"No, no, no, no, no!" I hear Asher yell from the living room.

I walk in, and see him holding Michael as he plays GTA on the X-Box.

"What's wrong?" Emily asks him as she walks into the living room laughing.

"The guy shot me!" Asher exclaims, and throws his head back.

Michael giggles, and grabs the controller.

Asher sits up, and watches the screen as Michael presses random buttons on the controller.

"No! Michael! What did you do?!" Asher shrieks as he laughs.

"He shot a police." Emily states, and sits on the couch next to the boys.

"I know, mom!" Asher says to Emily.

Emily just laughs, and takes the controller from Michael.

"Let's get out of here before the police ki-get you." Emily suggests.

After a few minutes, Emily has apparently gotten away from the police.
I'm so proud...

Asher takes the controller back, and starts a race.

"Okay. You can go now." He says to me.

"Excuse me?" I ask him.

"You are excused." He replies, and gives me the signature DiLaurentis smirk.

I roll my eyes, and walk out of the living room. "I have to get the girls anyways!" I yell to him.

"You do that!" He yells back jokingly.

I can still hear him downstairs playing his game as I get Charlotte and Emerson.

"Yes! I winned!" He yells.

"It's won, idiot!" Shay yells at him.

"Hey! Be nice!" Emily says to her in a stern voice.
She usually doesn't use that voice with the kids.

"Okay. I'm bored." I hear Whitney whine.

"We should...Go to the zoo!" Emily exclaims.

"How old are you? Five?" Shay asks her.

"I am at heart." Emily replies.

"....Fine." Shay sighs.

I laugh, and get the girls dressed before going back downstairs.

"Who's ready to go to the zoo?!" I exclaim.

"I am!" Asher exclaims, and jumps up off of the couch.

Emily POV:
"This is boring." Shay groans.

"Hush and look at the pretty birds." I tell her.

She looks at me, and laughs as we continue walking.

"Mom!" Asher calls from behind me.

He runs over, and grabs my left hand, intertwining our fingers.

I love this boy. He's so sweet.

Alison POV:
I watch 3 of my favorite people walking in front of me.

Shay and Emily have this special bond.

They still have that mother-daughter bond, but they also have a best friend bond.

Asher, he's a lover boy. He knows how to get people to like him. He has special qualities.

As we're walking, I notice Emily staring at some lady.

Oh, she's going to get it...

Asher is a cutie. 😍 (Benjamin Lasnier)

I have an idea for the next chapter.

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