Chapter 14: Emily & Kenneth

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"You need to come to the hospital." Jason breathes into the phone from the other end.

"W-What?" I stutter out.

"It's dad-"

That's all it takes for me to hang up the phone and rush over to the hospital immediately.

I get there, and I run in. Probably looking like I just escaped Radley Sanitarium.

"Kenneth DiLaurentis?" I ask the lady at the front desk.

"Room 312." She tells me.

I roam the halls looking around until I finally see it.

I rush in and I see my dad with a bunch of different wires on, and a heart monitor.

What the hell happened?

"Ali!" Chandler exclaims, which startles me and cause me to jump.

"Sorry." He whispers.

"It's fine." I tell him.

"W-What happened t-to d-dad?" I ask nervously.

"Jason told me he had a heart attack." He says, looking down, scratching the back of his head and neck.

"What? How?!" I yell.

"Shock. A bunch of stress just piled up like a mountain basically." He informs me.

Shock? ....Jason told him.

"I'll be right back." I say, and go to the waiting room, searching for Jason.

I spot him sitting in the corner, chewing on his nails.

I walk over to him and look at him.

He smiles when he sees me, and jumps up and wraps his arms around me.

When I don't hug him back, he pulls away and looks me in the eyes. Blue meets blue.

"What's wrong?" He questions me.

"You told him..." I say, my voice faltering and cracking.

"He had to know, Alison." He says in all seriousness. He's right.

I look at him for a few moments before sighing.

"Ugh...Thank you." I whisper.

"For what?"

"You're there for me. You told him so I didn't have to." I say, and this time I hug him first.

He gladly gives in, and hugs me tightly. I let a few tears fall as I process everything that is happening in my life.

I'm barely 17. Pregnant. Raped. My mom is gone. My family is a wreck.

The only thing, or should I say person, that makes this all better is Emily.

Which reminds me...

"I'm going to go call Emily." I say, and wipe the tears from my face and eyes with my sleeve.

I dial her number.

E: Hey, babe. What's up?

A: Umm...My dad is in the hospital. I need you.

E: ....I'll be right there. I love you.

A: Love you, too, Em. Bye.

E: Bye.

It's great to say that word and actually mean it. Not just because you have to. I really do love Emily.

I smile just thinking about her.

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