Chapter 9

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I woke up with strong arms around me. I turn and see my beautiful girlfriend sleeping peacefully next to me.

She looks gorgeous. I snuggle more into her putting my head in the crook of her neck. I love this. I need this. I want this to last. Forever.

I pull out my phone and take a picture of us, and I just lie there staring at Emily.

"It's not nice to stare, you know?" Emily mumbles with her eyes closed.

I smile and lean in, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Well, can you blame me?" I ask.

"Hmm....I guess not. But look at you!" She says, smiling.

"Are you going to get up?" I ask her.

"What time is it?" She asks.


"Ew! Why so early?!" She groans, stretching her arms and legs out, causing me to fall off of my bed.

"Emily!" I shriek.

"Oh, my god! I am so sorry!" She exclaims, trying to hide her laughter.

"Well, are you going to help me up?" I ask, extending my hand.

"Oh, right." She says, and grabs my hand. I pull her down on top of me.

"Ah! Ali! What are you doing?!" She laughs out.

I kiss her lips and it soon turns into a heated make out session, until we're interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Ali?" It's Chandler.

"What?" I groan.

"Nothing. I was just seeing if you were home." He says.

"Well I am. Why are you up?" I ask.

"Honestly, I have no idea." He says through the closed door, causing Em to giggle.

"What or who was that?" I hear Charlotte.

"Emily spent the night," I say, "what the hell are you two doing awake?! It's before 9:45." I add.

"I'm going out with some friends." Charlotte says.

I sigh, and get up, also helping Em up, and I open the door to my two younger siblings staring at me.

"What?" I snap.

"Nice hair." Charlotte laughs.

"Shut up." I tell her.

I go downstairs, with Em behind me, and I go into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her.

"Uh, sure." She says.

I make us some eggs and bacon, and we go sit at the table. As we're eating, we hear a knock on the door.

I get up to answer the door, and when I open it I'm greeted by Hanna, Aria, and Spencer.

"Hey!" The shout in unison.

"Hey!" I say back.

"We haven't seen you two since the party on Friday!" Hanna states, smirking, making Aria and Spencer laugh.

"I know what happened." I say.

"Oh..." Aria mumbles.

"Yeah. And I'll have you know, Em and I are together now." I say, grabbing g Emily's hand.

"Awe!" They all gush.

"Why are you being so quiet?" Hanna asks, taking a piece of bacon and eating it.

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