Chapter 15

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"If you think about it, the baby is also in this group hug." Jason says.

I feel the twins freeze and loosen their grip on me.


"Baby?" They question at the same time.

I sigh as I pull away from the hug. I look around terrified of their reaction

"Umm...I-I'm pregnant...?" I whisper. But it comes out as more of a question.

"How?" Chandler asks, shocked. Charlotte looks just as shocked, but also happy. She is my little sister after all. One of our weaknesses is babies.

I sit down in the chair bedside the hospital bed, and I purse my lips, trying to figure out how to tell them.

I sigh again as I look down. I keep opening and closing my mouth like I'm going to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Alison is pregnant." Jason says, starting the conversation. "And you know how babies are made, don't you?" He adds, looking at them.

"Yeah, but-" Charlotte begins, but is cut off by Chandler.

"But how? Ali was dating Emily." Chandler finishes for her.

"Okay..." Jason sighs. He sits there for a minute before explaining what happened. By the time he's finished, everyone is in tears. Especially me.

"H-How far along are you?" Charlotte stutters out.

"2 and a half months." I answer, and she smiles.

It's great knowing my family supports me. And they'll always be there to help me.

My dad gets released later that day, with being told to watch his sugar intake and stress levels, and we go back to the place I once called home.

Now empty.

We all sit in the kitchen, and just talk, laughing, enjoying our time together.

2 months later

The twins moved back in with my dad, and Jason stayed in his apartment he bought.

I decided to keep my stuff in the cabin for when we go out there.

"I'm starting to show." I whine to Emily. She just looks at me, as smiles. She continues stroking my hair with her hand as I lay in her lap.

"And I'm uncomfortable." I mumble.

"You were comfortable 5 minutes ago." She says.

"And then the baby started kicking." I say, annoyed.

I'm very irritable lately.

"Sorry." She whispers, and looks at her feet.

"Aw, no. Em, I'm sorry." I say, and pout.

"It's fine." She says, but I can tell she isn't tired of the attitude I've had lately.

I really am uncomfortable.

I sit up, and take off my shirt, then proceed to take off my sweatpants.

"Much better." I mutter, and close my eyes.

Emily moves one of her hands to my my back, tracing patterns.

Maker touch gives me goosebumps, but makes me hot at the same time.

(A/N SMUT (Lillee)

I want her.

I jump up, and pull her down so she's flat on the mattress.

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