Chapter 1: Introduction

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Woo! A new school! I think to myself when my alarm goes off.
Can't we just stay somewhere for longer than a year?
Dad says this is last time. This is our new home. I'll believe it when it happens.
I jump out of bed and put on my usual outfit.
Gray beanie, dark skinny jeans, white cotton V-neck, and an open flannel. I decided to wear a light red flannel today. I slip on my new black converse. Before I leave, I brush my hair and put on light make up.
I go downstairs and eat breakfast.
Once again, the usual.
Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a glass of orange juice.
I run back upstairs and brush my teeth, grab my backpack, and I leave to school.

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm sounds.
"Ugh!" I groan and get out of bed.
It's my first day at Rosewood High.
I moved from L.A. To small town Rosewood.
I need to make a good first impression.
I put on a blue floral dress that stops mid-thigh, a blue blazer, blue heels, I do my usual curls in my hair, light make up, and put on my vanilla perfume. Brush my teeth.
I grab my pink bag, and head out the door.
I was told to go to the office once I got to school.
When I get there, I'm met by a beautiful, tall, tan girl.
"Hi. I'm Emily Fields. Just transferred from Texas." She says, extending her hand for a shake.
"Alison. Alison DiLaurentis. Transferred from L.A." I say, taking her hand in mine.
Her hand is so soft.

I see a girl walk into the office, and she is gorgeous, but she looks like a mean girl. I introduce myself, and the principal comes out.
"Ah, ladies. Right this way." He says, leading is to his office.
"Names?" He asks us.
"Emi-" I began, but I'm cut off my Alison.
"Alison. Alison DiLaurentis." She says.
"Ah, yes. Here's your schedule. Have a good day." He says, and Alison leaves.
"And your name?" He asks me.
"Emily. Emily Fields." I tell him, smiling.
"Yes, here you go." He says, handing me my schedule.

I walk to my first class and I go to the teacher. He's good looking, but I'm gay, so...
"Hi. I'm Mr. Fitz. Your English teacher." He greets me, smiling.
"Looks like we have two new students!" I hear someone say.
I turn and I see a pretty blonde girl smiling.
"Yes, Hanna. We do. Thank you for letting us all know." Mr. Fitz says and we all start laughing, including Hanna.
I turn around to the teacher and ask, "who the other new student?"
"Alison DiLaurentis." He says, pointing to the girl chewing her gum and tapping her pencil in the back, between two brunette girls.
"You can take the seat in front of Spencer." Mr. Fits tells me, pointing to the girl on the right of Alison.
I go and take my seat.
"Hi. I'm Spencer Hastings." The girl says.
"Hi. I'm Emily."
"Why didn't I get a hello?" Alison interrupts in a bitchy tone.
I was right. She is a mean girl.

Hello. This is my second fan fiction. The first one is "Emison|||Sparia: All I Need"
I'm still working on it.
I'll update when I can.

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