Chapter 5: Noel Kahn Party

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1 week later

"Come on! It'll be fun!" I whine to Em.
"I don't even know who the infamous 'Noel Kahn' is. And neither do you." She says.
"But Hanna, Spencer and Aria do!" I yell, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.
"Fine!" She finally gives in.
"We have 7 hours to get ready. Hurry up." I say, before leaving her house.
We haven't really talked about the kiss. I want to, but I'm not sure if she wants to. I'll just let it slide tonight.
I lightly curl my hair and put on light make up. I wore a black lace dress, with white Lady Peep pumps.
Looks good to me.
I out on my signature Ali D. Vanilla scented perfume, and left the house.

I didn't really want to wear a dress to this party. And there might be a lot of drunk guys.
I put on black skinny jeans, a bright pink 5 Seconds Of Summer tank top, and gray converse.
I put on my Sweet Pea perfume, and left the house.
God damn. There are a lot of people here. I step out of my car, and as soon as I do, I see Emily's car pull up.
She steps out and I smile at her.
"Hey!" I say.
"Hello!" She says back.
11:39 PM
A few hours later I'm drunk.

I see Emily talking to some girl, and they're laughing and smiling, and I have this feeling. I think it's jealousy.
Whatever. I'll just find some guy to keep me company.
I see Emily and that girl dancing together, so I grab some blonde guy and start dancing with him.
"Damn!" I hear him yell.
He grabs my ass and tries to kiss me, but I push him off.
"Come on, baby!" He yells. He's drunk. He tries to grab me and kiss me again, but I push him off.
"Get off of me!" I yell at him.
He drags me to a room, and tries to take me dress, off but I kick him on the side of the head.
"Damn it, you stupid bitch!" He yells, and pins me down.
I try to him off of me, but he's too big and strong for me.
I start to cry, and I scream for help.

Aria, Hanna, and I were walking down a long hallway looking at the cabin, when we heard someone crying and yelling.
"That's Alison." Aria says worriedly.
We follow her cries, and open a door to one of the rooms, where we see a guy with a black eye pinning her down to the bed, trying to take off her clothes.
"Get off of her!" Hanna yells at him.
"Since when are you the boss?" The guy slurs, looking at Hanna.
She takes her heel off and throws it at the guys face.
"I SAID GET OFF OF HER!" Hanna yells, and punches the guy across the face.
"God damn! His face is hard!" She yells, shaking her hand.
"Thank you, Hanna." Alison slurs and sniffles, getting off of the bed and fixing her dress.
"Where's Emily?" She asks.
I've noticed something between them. They've gotten really close, and they have a different bond than the rest of us have with anyone.
"I think she's in the game room." I say, helping her walk.
Sure enough, there's Emily playing is Foos ball with Noel Kahn.
"Damn! You're pretty good!" Noel says to Emily.
"Thanks. I play with my brother all the time." Emily says back.

Emily hasn't been talking talking to me tonight.
I go to the drinks and chug down 5 shots, and I ask for a vodka soda.
I want to leave.
I get up, but Emily stops me.
"Hey, where are you going?" She asks me.
"Home." I say.
"You can't drive like this." She says.
"I'm fine. Really. It's not that far a drive." I say sweetly.
"How many beers did you have?" She asks.
Anything else?" She asks. She really cares about me.
"I, uh... I had a vodka soda." I say, scratching the back of my head.
"Well, I drank too, so... Maybe Spencer could drive us home?" She asks.
"Sure." I say, highly intoxicated.
"Spencer!" Emily shouts.
"Yeah?" She asks.
"Could you drive Ali and I back to Alison's?"
"Sure." She says, laughing. "But, Hanna and Aria have to come with us."
"Okay." Emily says.

Ali gets in the passenger seat, I get in the back behind her with Hanna next to me, and Aria next to Hanna. Spencer's driving.
"Spencer?" I hear Ali ask, who is super drunk.
"Yes, Ali?" Spencer asks.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Okay. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Even Emily." This gets me interested.
"Okay. Yes ma'am." Spencer says, talking to Ali like she's a baby. I see Spencer looking at me through the mirror.
"I like Emily." Ali's says.
"Yeah, we all do." Spencer says back.
"No, I mean I really like her. Like, like like her." She says, and Hanna laughs.
"Hanna! When did you get here?!" Ali says, excited.
"I've always been here." Hanna says, smiling.
"You're a good person, Hanna. I'm glad we're friends." Ali slurs, smiling.
"So, Ali, what do you like about Emily?" Spencer asks.
"Everything! Her hair, her beautiful eyes. And the way she says my name. And she's a good kisser." And this gets everyone even more interested in this 'secret'.
"What?" Aria asks.
"I kissed her last week. On Friday." Ali says, smiling like a little kid.
"She was my first kiss. And I was hers." She adds, still smiling. All of the girls look at me.
"So, Ali. What do you find sexy about Emily?" Hanna asks.
"Everything, silly." Ali says, giggling.
"Her legs, her smile, her body. Have you seen her swim?!" Ali asks, leaning forward and turning towards Hanna. I move so Ali doesn't see me.
"Yes, I have." Hanna says, smiling.
Ali sits back the right way.
"Did you see her tonight?!" Ali asks, "her broad shoulders, and those muscles!"
"She was wearing skinny jeans and a tank top." Aria states.
"Yeah, but in that tank top! Her broad shoulders, and those muscles!" Ali moans a little at the end, and everyone's eyes her wide. Including mine.
"And those skinny jeans! Her ass looked great! I just want to-"
"Okay!" Spencer cuts her off, laughing.
"I never want to loose her." Ali kind of slurs in a quiet voice.
"What if she doesn't like me back the way I think she does?" Ali asks.
"You don't have to worry about that. Trust me." Aria says, smiling.
"Hey, Ali, so you know where Emily is?" Hanna asks.
"Nooo! Do you?!" Ali asks, looking at her.
"She's right here." Hanna says, and Ali turns around looking at me.
"Hi, Emily." She smiles.
"Hi, Ali." I say back, also smiling.

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