°Chapter 13° Simmons Murders Babies...

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Disclaimer: I do not under any circumstances own Transformers; Michael Bay and Hasbro do. I only own my Oc, and my many plot twists.~Hannah


A/N: Before our journey continues, I just wanted to thank ALL of you for almost 4K reads and 300 votes! It means a lot to me knowing people actually like what I write. I'm glad so many of you are enjoying this story, I'm also glad I'm actually making this..somewhat..interesting. And as a thank you: *hands every reader/voter a virtual cookie* A cookie for everyone :D Now let's return to our adventure.


'Sparky? Did I actually just get a Decepticon to defect?' I'm having a hard time believing Barricade actually defected..and is actually helping me.

'I believe you did young one. Why do you seem so surprised?'

'Maybe because he's a..was a Decepticon.' Sparky sends reassurance through our bond, which helps calms my nerves somewhat.

'Do not worry Sweetspark, I can sense a pure spark within him. He will stay true to his word.'

"Squishy are you listening?" I snort.

"What's with the nicknames 'Cade? I told you my designation is Tanya." He turns his head to look at me.

"Cade? So now you're nicknaming me?" I nod, a playful smile on my face.

"If you can call me squishy, fleshling, or any other word, I can call you 'Cade." I state firmly. He looks away, slowly nodding his head in understanding.

"These terms seem fair enough to me...Tanya." I smile; gently patting his shoulder.

"Glad you think so...Barricade." His frame softly vibrates in what I'm guessing is laughter, and if my eyes aren't playing with me...I swear there's a smile on his face.

Maybe Barricade isn't so bad after all. He's just misjudged like me. Treated like shit...like me. An outcast...like me.


He isn't half bad.

'I'm glad you think so young one.'

'And why's that Sparky?'

'Because...it means you have a heart. You don't judge someone by their rank..or position.' I snicker.

'True, but there are some...'

'Oh? And who might they be?' A mischievous grin finds its way onto my face.

'Assface...and Megabitch.' I can feel her amusement through our bond when I mention Megatron.

'I will never fully understand how you come up with such nicknames.'

'It's easy really. Mega, because it's the first part of his name. Bitch, because he's a bitch. Put the two together, and you get a nickname that describes him perfectly.'

'So there actually is a plot behind each nickname.'

'Oh shut up.' I remark playfully.

'I'm afraid I can't dear. You see, I'm stuck inside your head.'

'Just my luck huh?' I snicker.

'Perhaps...or it's fate.'

'Uh huh..whatever you say Sparky.'

"Tanya?" I jerk my head to where the sound came from.

Sparky And I:It All BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now