°Chapter 8° They Found Me...

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Transformers related, even though I wish I did. I only my Oc, and my many plot twists that I include in this story~Hannah


A/N: So sorry for the late update, I've had a busy week. But here it is, chapter 8!

Sometimes I wonder how Sam manages to live. His entire room is a junkyard. Trash, clothes, and..ew..I don't want to know what that is, is strewn across the room.

"Can't you clean your room once in a while?" I mumble, looking through his crap.

"I do...once in a while." Sam says, looking through a pile of junk. Sure Sam, sure. I sigh and continue to look through his crap, hoping, no praying, we find those glasses soon.

"Psst." I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound. As I look for the source, my blood freezes.

Optimus has Mik in his hand, bringing her up to the window. I immediately rush over there, pulling her in through the window.

"Time is short," Optimus rumbles. "Please hurry."

"We're trying big guy, honestly we are." I reply. He locks eyes with me for a moment before backing away from the window. As I continue searching through Sam's room, a sudden migraine pounds inside my head.

"Tai are you alright?" Sam asks, noticing my pained face. I don't reply. Instead I fall flat on my face, my vision blackening.

"Tai?" I barely hear Sam repeat as he rushes to my side. I groan in pain as the pain in my head grows with each second.

"Is she alright?" A baritone voice asks in concern. But I'm too far gone, the pain too much for me to handle.


'Sparky what are you?' 10 year old Tanya asks as she plays with her hair.

'What do you mean by that my child?' Sparky replies calmly.

'Well..I don't know.' The young girl replies with a frown. 'The mean people say you're different.'

'I am, in a way, different.' Sparky confesses. 'But perhaps these mean people you speak of, only say such things because they don't understand what I am.' Sparky adds, lightly tugging on their bond. The young girl smiles, feeling the soft tug; gently tugging back.

'Does that make me different?'

'What do you mean young one?' Sparky asks, trying to figure out what the young girl is asking.

'The mean men say I'm different. Am I?' Tanya whispers. Sparky smiles, or at least her mental self does, sadly at the young girl.

'You are different,' Her reply makes Tanya sigh sadly. 'But,' Sparky adds, hugging Tanya mentally. 'What makes you different, is what makes you special. You have a gift that no other being on this planet has. Your future shines brighter than anyone's.'

'I'm..special?' Tanya asks with a frown.

'Of course you are dear. You're talking to me right?' Sparky says with a smile.

'Well yeah. What's so special about that, Sparky?'

'Very few people are granted with the chance to speak with me.' Sparky answers.

'Why?' Tanya asks.

'Because,' Sparky pauses.

'Sparky?' Tanya's soft voice snaps Sparky out of her trance.

Sparky And I:It All BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now