°Chapter 2° I Love This Truck

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Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, or any of the Autobots/Decepticons. I only own my OC Tanya, and any plot twists that there might be! ~Hannah

Ow! Is all I can think as my fist connects with his face. I probably should've thought this over. Oh well, too late now.

"What was that for!?" The man yells. I just scoff and roll my eyes. As if he doesn't know.

"You told me to buy a pink car." I hiss. Man I could really use a soda right about now.

"I thought you would want a pink car!" The man defends. Maybe an orange soda. "Honest!" He adds. Or maybe a grape soda. I shake the thought of buying a soda out of my head, and turn to glare at the man.

"I don't care what you thought. You were being sexist! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I want a pink car." I say matter of factly. (Anyone else have to deal with this problem?)

"Sorry..just take the truck. $5,000." He mumbles, holding up five chubby fingers. I nod calmly, though inside I'm jumping with happiness. I hand over the five thousand, and skip over to my truck. Finally the day comes where I can finally drive where I want, not walk.

"So how'd it go?" Sam asks as I climb inside the truck.

"Eh," I shrug. "It went..okay." I say, slamming the door closed.

"Well alright then....see ya at home." Sam says before walking over to his...HOLY CRAP IS THAT A CAMARO!?? I really hope my eyes aren't deceiving me right now. Because driving away, with Sam driving, is a 1976 (Just guessed the year) Chevy freakin Camaro. I don't know how Sam did it, but somehow he got a car that makes him look cool. Wow...just wow. Sure hope he doesn't use his new car to attract the ladies. Wait. What am I saying? This is Sam we're talking about right? Knowing him, he is going to try to attract girls.

~~~~Sexy Line Break~~~~Back At The House~~~~

God why am I so stupid!? I mean really? Why did I even agree to do something like this!?

"Come on Tai it won't be that bad!" Sam yells through my door.

"Are you flipping kidding me!? I am NOT going to that party!" I yell back. Yeah, somehow on the way home Sam got me to agree to go to some stupid lake party. Want to know why I regret it? I regret it because Miles, Sam's idiotic friend, has to ride with ME. Me of all people! Ugh I'm so stupid! Maybe I could pretend to be sick..nah that won't work. Maybe jumping out the window, and escaping? Nah...don't want to break a leg. I'm so screwed!

"Tai, Miles isn't that bad!" Sam says, trying to convince me to come out. Not that bad? He always flirts with me!

"Sam you are completely stupid! He is terrible! I don't want to ride with an idiot who flirts with me!" I whine.

"I'll make sure he doesn't." Sam says.

"Fine," I huff. "But if he touches me ONE time, and I mean ONE time, I'm shoving his ass out the door!" I hiss opening my door. Sam stands there with a victorious smile plastered on his face.

"Yay! Now lets go!" Sam says excitedly as he drags me out of the house. Remember when I told you Sam was a moron? Well here's another example on how is. Instead of walking down Ron's path, as I am, Sam the Moron decides to walk through the grass.

"Ron, this one is uneven." Judy, Sam's mom, complains. I have to cover my mouth to stifle my laughter.

"Yeah, probably." Ron mumbles not even looking up.

"This one is wobbly." Judy complains while moving a stone with her foot.

"Yeah, I'll take care of that real soon." Ron mumbles absentmindedly. These two are too good!

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